Discord ID: 687910260744257543
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What's bun
Guac may I ask how old you are
Dont insult guac
Gay is an insult
Nice me too
<:downrightchad:720155086268923905> <:downleftchad:720155075451945010>
Black person above
Okay good
Better sell now then right?
Yes I saw a few people say the same thing
very cute cat
why do you drink energy drinks
energy drinks suck
tbh i have had energy drink like 2 times
i dont drink soda
i drink liters of tea each day
cute paws
pourquoi pas
It is nighttime
What is keeping you up, guys
Post pics
Of what@John Rebuttal
Okkk wait
Here's one
Dont use bad words
@delsinrowe idk
Did you see the blue eyed floppa
Did you
The one I posted??
What's wrong with you john
Its just an animal
John unbased
Why are you up late
Americans aren't humans
I didn't receive anything@CyBeast
Do you think I'll take your advice if you dont do it yourself
I post monke
Its brown kitty
Yes but look at the ears
Hmm I just find them
Your butthole
Wdym by that@CyBeast
How old are you@SETESH
I feel like you're 16
Post PC
John hates cats..
Quite disappointing..
My feet are frozen
What are you even saying stetsh
Cybeast are you American@CyBeast
I asked first
I'm poopo
No that's far Rebuttal
Are you brown@John Rebuttal
What's uber Brown
Yes it does
That's guac
Once I swore uncontrollably at the store and said the n word to an Indian
I still remember how shocked the cashier was
Can't sleep
I should not take naps anymore
What masterpiece@Danny Dorito
Oh lol
Why are you jot making yourvgf less lonely
Yes lol@Synthetic Aesthetic , do you live together?
Does she have school or something
If not, then maybe suggest she starts learning something
Hmm, yes but it will help her overcome shyness@Synthetic Aesthetic
That sucks, but idk just motivate her
Why would she do that wtf
I messed my sleep
Its2 and still not sleepy
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