
Discord ID: 424300298417340446

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,play all I wanna do is see you turn into a super saiyan


,play meme folk song

,play alex jones as a folk song

,play crystal pepsi song

,chatter age 6

,chatter train 489837874393645066

I changed the setting

,play alex jones folk song

,play sarah sanders country song

,chatter train 489836618207985670

,chatter train 495039700776648714

,starboard emoji <:qca:489833713086234635>

,starboard role Curators

,starboard roles add Moderators Curators

,starboard roles add Curators

<@&489831437412073474> the post archive function on the bot has been re-enabled. use the <:qca:489833713086234635> reaction on a post you would like to save. It is set so that it has to get 2 of the reactions from a curator to save the post. The saved posts with be archived to <#492811405112639494> for easy reading instead of wading through all the conversation between links and ect.. that are dropped in the channels.

<:zentrump:497946871709433856> <:Turtle9:497946853413879819> <:turtle:497946853531451423> <:trumptroll:497946854642941953> <:trumpchin:497946853610881034> <:trump:497946853653086208> <:sun:497946871726080020> <:sessions:497946853548097562> <:schumer:497946851555672119> <:SARAH2:497946853409554432> <:careful:497946850104442909> <:checkem:497946864650289166> <:degen:497946851056812052> <:flynn:497946850477998091> <:MAGA:497946851626975242> <:mattis:497946866256969728> <:putin:497946851434037251> <:qca:489833713086234635> <:sarah:497946851912450049>

the file size is toolarge I need a 256k

1,398 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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