
Discord ID: 415714267325661184

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didn't know the britbongs had any fight and i'm a britbong...where are they pls

riiiight...having trouble with that Riggy

believing they're in contact/taking orders from Q...and they haven't really started yet...i'm not criticizing u riggy don't get me wrong

as far as i can tell there is nothing in the UK remotely like Q plus the native bongs are years behind the US patriots in awakening...that's what i see everywhere i go on the net....low energy bongs...and i'm a bong

im an anti-communist so i'm not up for peoples's what they call us Brits on the chans

ok riggy...i'm a v cynical c*nt

well u got two here Luke...AMA

...we have got David Icke though....

yeah...that's the kind of bong i prefer too ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

i know i've got loads of US patriot mates...fkn A

yeah Icke...not touching Q so far...but he's already out there isn't he?

who knows what trump is a) patriot b) dealmaker c) dupe d) operative...take your pick...he's definitely the best pres so far anyway

there's no doubt in my mind Q's for real...just look at the Q fruits - mass awakening...if he was an operative he's fkn failed bigly

maybe DJT's a sleeper...been playing the long game with Vince Fusca

hope so Riggy coz that's what's needed to take these fkrs down

heard as soon as JFK happened patriots started planning to retake the republic...pinned it down to Allen Dulles as the modern day part of the coup...but obv it's older than that

i can't believe this all's too wild

George Web had a right pop at Goodman...called him a basement dweller ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Icke talks about reptoids and Rothschilds, and the moon being manufactured but not Q...maybe he thinks it's out of his sphere rather than he doesn't 'believe' it

you know everyone has their little bit of turf

that's a big Q fruit - end run round mockingbird media

this is a replay of history...same thing has happened before...Red Terror for example

we're already under the thumb riggy

....the sword rather

divide and conquer

just to be clear im a bit of an anti-communist/cult fanatic....there's no quarter with these people...they're enemies of humanity

ruddy 'ell hardly ever post on discord...sperging out...nice to talk to a fellow bong Riggy, we've got a fight on our hands brother and we'll have to sharpen our spoons...ciao for now...pedos...yeah dump them in the ocean

2018-11-05 21:52:34 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  


Riggy in the meantime while u research just don't have any vaxx or your fam. i have a ton of info if u need any

just a quickie on the vax thing: vax's bypass natural TN1/TN2 immune response which is an essential part of natural defence...we're not designed to have pathogens/viri/fetal cells or any other sh*t injected straight into our bloodstream...body doesn't know how to deal with it...big topic...but no basically

hopefully TYT haven't learned their lesson and they'll be plenty of salt if dems lose house

2018-11-09 04:02:03 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

mind control + merchant cash = satan's goon army

why the eff have the GOP allowed this vote fraud to get to this stage...they've had years to do something about it...pussyhat RINOS imo

i ruddy well hope so M, it's a bit near the edge of the cliff for me...the dems need effing jailing

hope you're right and the whole Q/Trump thing isn't a containment op

hi Tel Aviv...u catching all this?

2018-11-12 20:05:03 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

Miles Mathis has this well founded theory (imo) that Karl Marx's main job was to prevent the 'working class' from organizing and taking direct action which is why he always talked about the timing not being quite right or not to act now etc....iow his job was to contain those energies and channel them up to the elites to decide when and where to act....that was then...this is my question is is it possible that the Q/Trump/Awakening thing is nothing more than a containment op....i hope not because at the moment no-one is containing the dems one little bit

2018-11-12 20:06:38 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

not sure what that means Bot....i assume you're not capable of irony being a Bot and all

2018-11-12 20:08:58 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

confused...can u explain pls

2018-11-12 20:10:06 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

same here

2018-11-12 20:14:42 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

I lurk more than i post but that's a lot to do with discord's information sharing policy tbh

2018-11-12 20:16:43 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

anyway mightily frustrated with the dems not being contained in any way at all. rioting outside Tuckers house for example where's the effing cops....Florida...cops doing justice being done at all....drives me nuts

2018-11-12 20:17:53 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

GOP sitting on their pussyhat RINO behinds...grrr

Warburgs....Black Nobility, Payseurs etc

Didn't they own Jekyll Island? Canaanite altars on there.

ie the money power and blood sacrifice have gone hand in hand....that's what Tim Bence found out when he went there

another thing Tim Bence worked out was that as soon as the money/blood sacrifice cult took hold the indigenous people lost their land every. single. time.....which is why those altars need to be smashed he said

blood money...funny how old sayings are soo accurate

the UK elite are mixed....Khazarians....Turko-Finns....whatever they are they're using the indigenous Brits as they do everywhere....and that Rhodes quote winds me up 'coz I know he didn't give a stuff for the English or any Northern Europeans at all

They had two bills slightly different from the other just in case one side of the aisle rejected it...Mandell House shepherded the whole thing

We Brits got the same but back in the 1600's with Cromwell and the BOE

no they're not...they're ruddy Kharzarians a lot of them

they admit they're Edomites's all a big larp

hi Tel Aviv...we know

it's a big mess back there M, tons of claims and counter claims...differing ethnic groups...names getting confused...Hittites, Khatti, Amorities, Aryans, Chaldeans, Medes, Cymri....crazy stuff...still trying to come to some conclusions

they basically 'became jews' in an audacious act of identity theft and then proceeded to take over the dynasties of Europe....something like that....Poland being an important base

the Khazarians always had robbers to threaten the caravans AND mercennaries to protect them....controlled ops all the's that steppe robber baron mentality that pissed the Rus off

choke points and ports...they like those too.....and also M the Levites had inserted a great deal of supremacist propaganda into the Books Of Moses according to Douglas Reed so it goes way back

and Bulan expanded the Levitical caste which is why we have so many shyster lawyers

i'm sure we'll get there and figure more of this out...we're certainly better informed than our parents and grandparents...poor innocent lambs they were

basically let Islam in and killed Christians....Loyola was a Marrano I think

so we can link Jesuits with Zionists with Nazis in one glorious continuum of f*ckery

many mind

some folk say Solomon's mines, Ophir, were in South America...cities in the jungle...'tresting

on the jew topic which is extremely complicated...i'd like to weigh in and say a lot of 'jews' are NPC's and victims themselves of the psychopathic Rabbinical/Pharisaic tradtion....a 'strategy of tension' is baked into the cake of Talmudism (and the Levitcal 'will to power') so I think we should bear that in mind always....evolutionary strategies as Macdonald points fave ex Jew is Gilad Atzmon, I can't recommend his books and vids enough

2018-11-14 13:24:30 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #modchat]  

can i ask what DBZ's about? i never post on this server 'coz i don't know enough about Q but i do lurk so wouldn't want to be kicked off thx. i'm very skeptical but if anyone can shed some light on why the fuck the dems are being allowed to steal the fucking midterms i'd be much obliged.

2018-11-15 20:23:06 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

Scott recuses. Bondi sitting on hands. Obama judicial appointees running rings round the law. US midterms look like a big republican stand down to me. GOP cucked up. We've had loads of Q BOOMS but no clean up, no action, just memory holed. Looking more like a containment op to me rather than a restoration of 'the republic.' Checked meme drop. NOT ONE folder/meme/infographic re Israel/Khazars/Edomites/Zionists. Hi Herzliya/Tel laughing?

Scott recuses. Bondi sitting on hands. Obama judicial appointees running rings round the law. US midterms look like a big republican stand down to me. GOP cucked up. We've had loads of Q BOOMS but no clean up, no action, just memory holed. Looking more like a containment op to me rather than a restoration of 'the republic.' Checked Q meme drop. NOT ONE folder/meme/infographic re Israel/Khazars/Edomites/Zionists. Hi Herzliya/Tel laughing?...HI Riggy...can we eject May from a space shuttle like in Alien?

2018-11-15 21:03:32 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

I said 'Israel/Khazars/Edomites/Zionists' which is not 'joos' and 'kikes' point was Marx/Engels did with the 'working class'....hope i'm wrong because as Soros said the US is the last obstacle to 'world govt' you've got a fine document in that Constitution of yours...pity the judiciary don't uphold it. So now we're waiting for the 22nd or something for something big. I'll tell you what's big: dems stealing elections and the GOP knowing full well about it for years and doing zilch.

2018-11-15 21:09:02 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

you struggle reading paragraphs faggot?

2018-11-15 21:16:57 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

You obviously don't want a discussion...either 'coz of 'opsec' or because i expressed scepticism. I get it I really do. However as Patton said 'if we're all thinking the same we're not thinking.'

2018-11-15 21:29:43 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

You've got it all in hand. I'll add Natufians to my extensive list of ancient peoples accused of the OWO conspiracy. What about the Pelasgians, the Amorites, the Hivites and the Hittites...what a rum bunch they all were.

2018-11-15 21:30:58 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

Right I'm off you'll be glad to here. Sorry to wander off the Q plantation. Fck Moloch. MAGA

I'll give you one reason why my scepticism is growing. Miles Mathis suggests that Marx/Engels' main task was to keep the grassroots working class under command and control on behalf of the Roths which is why Marx was always going on about the timing not being quite right for this or that action....iow suspend direct action because the bigwig 'revolutionaries' have it all figured out. So basically Marx/Engels were agents charged with initiating the huge grassroots-working-class containment op called communism/socialism. FFW to Q/DJT. I'm sceptical at the moment and frustrated with the lack of basic action as mentioned above which is why I'm beginning to think Q is a similar deal. Hope I'm wrong and have to eat my sceptical words.

i've got to say there's a more enlightened discussion in here than on the Q discord servers....they've got this inflated chan attitude....faggots....anyway Q has definitely helped with a mass awakening not denying that and on reflection the Q 'fruits' do indicate that if Q was a containment/entrapment play then Q's obviously failed....the big take away for me is that conservatives/patriots have been asleep for at least two centuries re OWO subversion and we must absolutely NEVER fall asleep again even if trauma and warfare are employed against us or even if a new consumerism 2.0 reboot comes our way (thx bernays) more distractions and opiates from now on. Blood and soil - that's the real game, always has been, and if we ignore that we'll be utterly wiped out. We're their biggest threat.

yes riggy's just the UK and the US both have commie-lite 'conservative' parties and it drives me nuts that the post ww2 'liberal consensus' put us in a trauma coma....with a bit of 60's fun and games to subvert the traditional family...the Tory party needs to burn to the ground imo which means Shovel-Ready Corbyn and the Reds might get in...we deserve it for being so fkn's going to be a long haul mate

Ron Paul - right man, wrong time

'coz he's in the wrong time....he's a constitutionalist at a time when the constitution has been shredded and subverted by DC...not a street fighter like Trump

I remember RP giving the house hell over Afghanistan/Iraq etc and the budget...seemed to me a principled man...but wouldn't last a minute in the current climate....Cynthia Mckinney, like her too...sorry a bit off topic

Imagine whitey being this organized, focussed, jocular, confident, patriotic, nationalistic, self-interested, unified, psycho-politically astute, restorative, Machiavellian yet light-hearted and justified. So many take-aways from this, could make a long list but notice for example how they laugh at taxing one nation from another's coming.... or how they talk about re-writing historical narratives to suit the 'agenda'. I also notice how young they are and conclude this is an advisory panel for the older higher ups to mull over. Consensus building. Absolutely a must watch. Weaponized 'liberal' butthurt can truly remake the world.

2018-11-16 13:11:29 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

Maybe check out In The Shadow Of Hermes or The Sign Of The Scorpion by Juri proves they use gematria as a signalling/action/symbolic code. It's baked into Kabbalism. It's a thing.

2018-11-16 13:37:08 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

Ok but if one has never heard of the Kabbala, Atbash ciphers or the Magic Square of Saturn et al one is still on the tarmac waiting for the tanker to turn up.

2018-11-16 13:58:46 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

with the greatest respect i was only countering whoever said 'tell me one time gematria has ever proven anything'...seemed a bit narrow minded and proscriptive to me

...on reflection it wouldn't surprise me if they were faking it as 'art' to cover their tracks...

one of my first red pills back in 96 was reading about Parsons and Hubbard and the 'Working'...brings back fond the time it blew my mind that govt employees could get up to such things...bluebrotherhood site or something like that was the source...long gone now i think

they had a series called The Goblins Of Langley....occult goings on.....for a noob it was pretty radical info

weird, tried to post a great pic of Jack P and Margorie Cameron but the bot seemed to think it was 'explicit' it just showed them gazing lustfully into each other's eyes...great pic though...never mind...yeah Crowley was in the mix too

Aquino what a POS

Margorie I think came from a bloodline family called the Wilson's I think....connected to Pilgrims/Salem/Todds

Yeah i think he

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