Top Cunt

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2020-01-20 01:07:54 UTC [Rhetoric โ„ข #general]  


2020-01-20 01:08:15 UTC [Rhetoric โ„ข #general]  
2020-01-20 08:27:46 UTC [Rhetoric โ„ข #general]  


2020-03-16 23:53:26 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

This is Obama's economy. He is responsible for the S&P500 declining 30%

2020-03-17 00:09:52 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  


2020-03-17 00:09:55 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

It's Obama's economy

Because there's no more opposition


I want to debate some retarded communists

though when I said communist, the word preceding that was implied

Who the fuck are you talking to, basketball-American?


Do you think that's any better?

fuck up ranga

You ginger devil.

Looks like a ging to me.


insecure ginger


Better to be a troll than a ginger

I want to debate some politics

Liberals & communists are scum

Of course I can come after them


naa can't be fucked, just surmise it up here quickly


Why would I change my mind if you call me brainwashed? That's what a brainwashed person would say themselves

He's not my president

You're* ๐Ÿ˜

We don't even have a president here. Why are you bitching at me?

The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, motherfucker.

You haven't educated me on anything because you haven't been able to quickly sum up your points.

Because that's what I've asked you to do so I can understand your position briefly

Do you not want me to hear what you have to say?

When did he call Mexican rapists?

He never called Mexicans rapists.

Though they do have a higher tendency to do such a thing.

Are you talking about his 2015 speech where he says that Mexico is importing their rapists?

That's true.

Their rapists.

Not they're.


No, it was in the context of him listing out what Mexico was bringing to the USA.

Drugs, crime, their rapists.

It's not an individual issue.

It's a group issue with Mexicans.

No it doesn't.

It means those who are doing that, who happen to be from the nation of Mexico.

He is talking about it from the perspective of crime. By saying that he means all Mexicans, you yourself are implying that Mexicans are all involved in crime in some fashion.

That's not an objective fact though, is it?

Mexico has terrible issues with crime.

You're not denying that, are you?

Ever seen innocent people get hacksawed to death in the desert? I have, thanks to Mexico permitting the conditions for that to happen.

I can send you a video of people losing their heads in Mexico.

It's more than sensible to stop Mexicans from coming in. If you have a bowl of skittles, but one is poisoned, do you want to take your chances eating them?

I wouldn't.

How do you who's a good Mexican and a bad Mexican without proper border control in place?

Again, you're fucking around with shitty probability odds here.

He's kicked plenty of whites out as well.

More so than blacks.

I'd say he's been more discriminatory to whites than blacks.

You're talking about one case.

He wouldn't have been kicked out for being black. That's bullshit.

Again, I've seen the streams, I've watched his rallies. A significant amount more whites have been kicked out of Trump rallies than blacks.

I've been watching him since 2015.

pick one

I have.

Lagos isn't just that reclaimed bit of ocean. It's mostly slum, you do realise that, right?

That's what makes up most of its population.

It's like saying Mumbai is rich because some rich Indian toff lives in his mansion tower.

Most Africans live in shit.

Their houses are brown like shit.

If you can call it a house.

Africa has been a shithole since the British left.

They can.

Their land is the best in the world. They still managed to fuck it up because they're stupid.

Africa has been handed a wonderful set of cards in terms of resources.

What did America ever do to Africa?

Are you saying Liberia is a mistake?

Do you disagree with slaves having their own country?

Communists fucked up Africa.


It's why I'm not communist.

North Korea fucked up Africa. More-so Rhodesia to be specific.

Not all of them.

Certain men shouldn't have rights either. Especially if they have left-wing beliefs.

I'm sexist?

Fuck off with that shit. I'm not sexist if I let some women vote.

It's just a mistake to let all of them do it.

If they vote left-wing, absolutely.

I believe in freedom of speech.

But that doesn't mean you should have the right to vote if you have left-wing beliefs.

Not at all. It's called stabilising your nation.

It's expanding the scope of treason laws.

He was tho

Whenever Bernie Sanders speaks and is top of polls, I end up losing money because of his retardation.


Why would free shit be good?

He didn't call it a hoax in that context.

He talked about coronavirus, jump cut, it's their new hoax.

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