Discord ID: 689214697517744250
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I was in a game lobby and some dude from Argentina tried convincing me its a white country
Its not dominated as a white country
Also I don't just include blue eyed people as caucasian
Fuckin retard
<:Mutt:664242644553170944> <:Mutt:664242644553170944> <:Mutt:664242644553170944> <:Mutt:664242644553170944> <:Mutt:664242644553170944>
Nick Gurr
This server turned to shit
Too much simps and unfunny croc posters
Dude so much people are signing it
If this passes hopefully I won't have to do this shit
I like how school teaches kids not to be on technology for too long, yet they make you do 7 hours of work per day
Fuckin hypocrite niggers
Thats gay
I bet you use a crocodile as a fleshlight
Dude I don't listen to pedophiles/people who say traps arent gay
I'm barely active on this server anymore
They are though\
Trap posters < Simps
Ew dont point at me you infected
Me explaining how the death of JFK led to the creation of the LGBT Community
Me explaining how Australia being used as a slave trade unit went to Anglo sub humans
Me doing your mom @แ๊แท ฬ/
@Doge Gay Furry <:smork:309402628050124801>
@Doge Did your dad beat you
Its Nani the Mongoloid
We must exterminate @esports athlete and @DOPE POPE URBAN II
h a m b u r g e r
@Doge Is your sister furry now
Pussy looks like a fuckin crab
Thats gay
@Doge Haha funny dog
@Doge Dont turn me furry plz
@Doge I aM nOt FuRrRy
@Doge Did you beat yourself
@Doge Y e s
@grotesk >calls furfag yet has a dog profile pic aswell
**H O L Y S H I T**
77 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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