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Can you guys see what i'm typing?

I can't see chat at all

Are you kidding me

I hate it when people treat monarchism as an ideology and not a form of government

I'm fine with monarchy

Genocide can be pretty based

@justauser Bro I thought we were cool bro

~~this post was made by national socialist gang~~

Don't shill marxism timm @justauser

that's kinda cringe ngl

I have a really good evola quote

but I don't have image perms

ancoms don't believe in the transitionary state doe

Tankies really try to have some force to what they say but it just sounds cringe

You don't have any of the based energy behind what you say

he even uses dead memes

really is a tankie

Imagine being gay and thinking trans "girls" are "hot"

communism is cringe

>ok cringlord

sucks to suck trudeau

Liberal governments only care about human rights when they're able to

>wanting to have sex with jewish women

really cringe ngl

all of them are bad

how is he a troll are you stupid?

can't defeat the bureaucracy

me when I own antifa members

Step up the shock therapy to the electric chair

@AngloAmericanGod I don't believe in shock therapy for trans "people"

We should kill them instead

This server surprisingly doesn't talk about abortion like ever

anybody ever notice that?

Crigne nationalist

more than 7% ?!?!?!?!?!??!

it's 2040 pretty sure

@AngloAmericanGod What groups are you counting as not white that are normally classified as white?

@Renn What religion are you?

@AngloAmericanGod Wouldn't counsider spaniards caucasian?

it prolly depends on when they came

both look white tho even if they aren't Germanic

Public education is pretty cringe

The concept of public education is cringe

not just in the us

"Just because i'm addicted to heroin in a community hollowed out by globalism and multiculturalism with jobs being taken by low skilled immigrants doesn't mean I can't be the president!!!"

Capitalism can't be controlled

Capitalism controls

You don't regulate capitalism lol it's just not possible

Economic freedom sucks

Freedom is a luxury

imagine having the health of the nation put into the hands of private interests

America need tons more than economic reform

I feel like my brain is melting

All he cares about is socialism

I bet he'd prefer a free market society that allowed abortion rather than a socialist society that didn't

Barbary slave trade check

japan has less problems than America

Germany still better

they're hyper-progressive and cucked now

It does but it needs to be revived

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