
Discord ID: 467526636355715110

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hentai haven needs some new videos

I'll die with you gob

gob I'll go down with you

ride together die together

nah stomach is better bud

wanna be weird together @MrShitterThePencilSpitter


my dad died

filthy frank has left us brother *sniffles*

that's called making your meat bleed


hiv positive to be exact

want some?

I'm selling aids for free

hearing aids to be exact

spam it

actually I want to talk to an admin

also how do you get role

min is admin?

I'll do it

I do it

actually I classify as a non binary homo sexual lesbian trans gender helicopter

yes me?

I mean ok

futa is better tbh

hentai is art

you guys really need succ in your life

when boys are at their young age they are hornier but when they get older they become less horny while women at a young age mostly are less horny women at an older age or more horny unless you a pervert then none of this matters

fuck the FBI is here need to go

the sun is a really bright led light

hell ye we are nice to meet you dude

hell ye how's your day been going

no b/c one day we will have the technology to bio genetically engineer our kids to have cat ears and tail

@SataniaOwO I'm yo fren?

why not?

I wanna be fren

I will be all of your friends

I will bromance the shit out of all of you guys

I will tell you bedtime stories

alright I'ma start so everybody listen ok

I'ma tell a bedtime story

once upon a time their was a princess but not any ol' princess

she was the strongest warrior in the kingdom

but had to hide it for women were not allowed to be warriors and her father would be mad

everybody quiet down

the king had brought men from all over seas to marry his oldest the fairest of them all princess xena

their family was running low and their kingdom wasn't doing so well everywhere you went people were begging for money

only the princess noticed the royal family turned a blind eye to it

I'm telling a **bedtime story QUIET DOWN**

the next morning was the day of picking the princess xena's partner

princess xena didn't want to be married b/c she knew exactly why she was going to get married her family was just going to use the money for themselves

so she ran away as far as she could to get away of being used

for all the men that they had lined up were nothing but brutes

she ran and ran and ran

she stumbled on wood her dress got caught on it she couldn't get it off

she noticed that she had been running so far and so long it had become night and she heard wolves howling

out of the dark she saw glowing red eyes

and growling she screamed for help but no one came so she had to save herself

she ripped her dress off and got in a stance and got ready for a fight

the wolves jumped at her one by one going down

she fended them off but they just kept on coming

so she ran out of stamina

I'm back bois

join in vc if you wanna hear bedtime story

boys locker room

I'll get banned

starvin marvin muted me for telling bedtime story

he said do it again and I'm banned

no he's prolly mad was what I was told

he said it was spam

join akibas yiffbois for bedtime story

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