André Barreiros

Discord ID: 446866428419637259

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At least 9 Kia 3wia no Mia reported


I like the prospect of VoIP and play with this deplorables

Hey @Tom - GET Official , if any of you, glorious bastards pop over south Brazil, beers on me. Congratulations on the outstanding job.

Herr major can into eugenics

Quite /our guy / dare to say

Now let's not assume genders here

@Tom - GET Official sometimes, life puts you in a position that you ask yourself how in the fucking hell you got there. From a shitposter to a major political player. Sucks to be you. May God guide your path my friend.

Take care use headphones

Is small enough to make no difference

May the Lord guide his soul to the gates of hell

My instrument to remove commies

Tell me that it's true

End of transmission

@Tom - GET Official next time do the "I'm melting" routine

FactualRJ search for it on YouTube

We are going to have VC today?

Someone please give me that in GMT

@Tom - GET Official every time zone is counted with London time as zero (Zulu time Universal coordinate time or Greenwich meridian time) when I ask for GMT is because I'm in Brasília time (Papa fuse GMT -3) Paris is Alpha fuse GMT+1 .

@Tom - GET Official in case of day savings or any other reasons, you keep the name of the time zone and change the GMT number

Would love to but my conversation in English is terrible at best

I see the complete caos in Brazil, then I smile and laugh remembering that at least we are not cucked like Europe

I'm going in guys

No problems if alternative reality fuck it if tries (and will) SJW around

They don't have enough crayons to make it

And the other problem is that they took the best marine alive and make him the fucking SECWAR OUS , sounds detrimental to the force

You can always drown

Not gonna be a option , sweet cheeks

Army, because even the Marines need someone to mop up the mess they leave behind

Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Peluelu. If you want done with style send the Marines, sure you can always call Patton but when a marine gets aggressive, they promote him not take his command

So you are saying that anyone in other branches never did anything Worthy of the MOH?

@Mf1399 god emperor himself is live now in Facebook

Hope it's not already over

Reeeeeeeeee, 1776 worldwide would be the ultimate timeline

Good transmission sir

@ven0msnake yeah, we are, at least you are dealing with a tamed specimen

Thanks for the one hour from now, really help

The world before Trump was a world without hope for conservatives and lovers of the western civilization in general. The Light of the God emperor shall guide us in to see the best timeline unfold before our own eyes @Tom - GET Official

Discord is our beach head

That moment when voice chat goes full retarded


Sorry will delete

Im voice chat explaining

Brazilian press painting Soros as a good boy being targeted by militants,

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