
Discord ID: 169430799832055808

11 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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2018-11-10 04:22:12 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  

Okay so I found it from a server called overrated

2018-11-10 04:22:18 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  

I wanted to show you this cool server I found

2018-11-10 04:22:23 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  

My ethnicity is Celtic

2018-11-10 04:22:32 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  

Ideology is left leaning

2018-11-10 04:22:39 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  

I have no religious views

2018-11-10 04:22:48 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  

And I do not have thoughts on Jews

2018-11-10 04:23:03 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  

And a picture perfect nation is utopia

2018-11-10 04:23:46 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  

@Cultro let me in

2018-11-10 04:24:30 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  


2018-11-10 04:32:35 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  

I answered all your questions

2018-11-10 04:32:37 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  

Give me access

11 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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