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That kind of thing right?

So just to ask are you mixed because you have the Slavic role but also East Asian

So letโ€™s get this straight

Different cultures or something

But want everyone to get along or?

I... Iโ€™m hella confused tbh

On the internet thereโ€™s a high concentration of mixed people

And Iโ€™ve seen people who go with every ideology but like

Iโ€™ve never seen someone whoโ€™s internationalist whoโ€™s said itโ€™s not globalism

Itโ€™s still weird

I mean the server is called nationalist union

Tfw Hitler was from Bavaria though

@Deleted User the majority of Americans were german so itโ€™s a weird subject

I would think it would be more about

Colonial America being more similar to the British isles

Or say Alaska as being more Russian

Because America bought it from them

Overall Americans have become their own thing

With things like the removal of the german language due to WW1 propaganda against the german communities

Although a lot Americans are trying to connect back to their roots

Itโ€™s become kind of a joke

With random groups assuming theyโ€™re german because of the high amount

I feel like Americans as a whole have lost their connections so much that

It just doesnโ€™t matter that much anymore

For Americans I think a nativist style system which got them into this mess

Might be the best way to go

Something distinctively American

Like the silver legion

With their own symbols and stuff

Not just slapping a swastika onto everything they donโ€™t know what to do with

What do you think Americans should do?

I think the northwest doesnโ€™t have anything that would really help them make their own country itโ€™s just that thereโ€™s really no one there

I feel like itโ€™s something big to aspire to but they arenโ€™t going for enough

I like the idea of a colonial America

Well a country made from colonial America

The ideas for these independent areas

Really donโ€™t seem to rely on anything other than those areas being deserted

The northwestern state is like

Trying to get a liberal idea and making it theirs

It seems unoriginal to base your movement one something from the past trough

They need something new and fresh

And not become just another neo tier movement to the public (not for optics per say although it helps to not have anything really associated)

I think modern fascist movements

You shouldnโ€™t be able to recognize them as fascist

Unless youโ€™re in it

The Rosetta Stone ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ

Or we can let him become a martyr

It has permanent effects though

Itโ€™s supplements right but yea when I hear of chemical castrations I just imagine your slob getting yeeted with acid

Tfw some Cristian schools still force girls to wear trousers as uniforms

Wow I guess neither Hitler nor Mussolini were nationalist

Yea this map doesnโ€™t work

Itโ€™s not but like

By American standards

Well cubagang with that 2nd world

Countries that used to be communist

South America is better than Africa by a huge margin

I think 2nd world is pretty strictly communist countries

Make America a 4th world country


Anarcho eco fascism

Bunch of land and ppl

Ruling what they want

Making kingdoms and what not

And to finally get borders that work instead of straight line

I mean cuba is North American lmao

I donโ€™t either

It really is a missed chance

Tbh I blame the US

Looks like people just canโ€™t decide lmao

Are the Turks even the people from that area?

The Egyptians arenโ€™t the natives

But the Berber are

I feel like most of the people

That were around that area are just gone

At this point Greece is as far out as Iโ€™m willing to go since itโ€™s still white yah know

The sort of gradient is really gone

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