
Discord ID: 85885674791641088

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He isn't transphobic. You clearly know very little about him.

He's against the government forcing him to use words.

He was proven right, you know.

"But compelled speech will never be used for anything serious, you're overreacting, prof. Peterson."
Then this happened: http://nationalpost.com/opinion/bruce-pardy-law-societys-new-policy-compels-speech-crossing-line-that-must-not-be-crossed

If you don't understand the meaning of that poster, you missed the whole "JBP is Hitler" debacle.

"Showing a video of JBP is the same as showing a speech by Hitler"

Then you're living under a rock.

Go read <#377519392956874752>

A TA got screwed over for showing a video by Jordan Peterson on compelled speech. She got reprimanded, the professor told her it was like showing video of Hitler giving a speech.

Had she not secretly recorded the meeting where she got lambasted by the professor, they'd never apologize.

Dripping. You're dripping.

From every pore.

He's anti right too.

He's anti anything extremist.

Or on all your watching of JBP, did you miss all the criticism he has for Hitler?

You sound like the biggest charlatan, to be honest, I can't tell if it's for comedic purposes.

@Legiondude where's the picture from?

Let's all do it, every time Mittens is mentioned, let's call him/her/it a charlatan.

We'll all sound as smart.

Because that's how you win a debate, right? By smearing the opponent with insults?

He isn't.

He just asked, "do you feel good after masturbating to porn?"

"What advice would you give to somebody looking to quit porn?"

He's talking about porn addiction.

"What you should really be doing is going out and finding someone to have a relationship with."

Oh no, look how anti porn he is!

What a fucking dumbass someone has to be to call him a charlatan for saying that?

Porn addiction is negative.

What, do you prefer group identity?

Are you defending identity politics?

How many victim bucks do you have?

So you're an oppressor then?

Will you take yourself out or will one of the oppressed have to do it?

No it's not.

Because, if you're going to defend group identity politics, you better be prepared to answer for your group's crimes.

You're just repeatedly distorting JBP words, how can anyone take you seriously?

He's not talking about Jesus, you're too stupid to understand words.

He referenced the unique, almost visionary concept that Christianity brought in, the concept of the individual.

That salvation resides on the individual, not on the group.

He starts with that early on that video.

Watch it whole, instead of just vomiting leftypol talking points with timestamps.

"The group does not suffer."

Yeah, he's talking about Jesus alright.

Let's ignore all the other words.

Because, you know, we got to make some points for the cause of leftypol.

You're intellectually dishonest. Not just uninformed, but dishonest.

You just distorted his words on porn addiction.

You keep calling a charlatan, and you have to lie to make your point.

And you're a retard.

You're right, retards don't lie to win arguments.

Sorry to all retards, I didn't mean to compare you to Mittens.

Oh my, such a noble liar.

"I'm a liar but at least I have class."

We asked you about why you think he's a charlatan, you failed every time to argue.

Short memory even.

You just lied about the very video you posted.

"He talks about why porn is bad", see, that's the lie, yet again.

Just let him drip some more, I won't engage any more for tonight. Gotta play some video games.

2017-11-23 04:07:45 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #twis]  

a.k.a. we need to take revenge on all members of that group, because it's a collective guilt.

2017-11-23 12:56:31 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

He probably doesn't have one anymore.

Or, proof that amusing shitposting can be accomplished without intelligence.

2017-11-23 12:58:19 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

That's exactly what I meant.

2017-11-23 12:58:32 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  


I've seen a video from this guy before, he's too slow. And spends most of the time watching the footage, not talking.

2017-11-23 16:01:03 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

Reminds me of that "five monkeys and a ladder" experiment.

2017-11-23 16:02:11 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

I bet even the soldiers that shot those ~40 shots were punished, for being unable to stop him.

2017-11-23 16:04:08 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

Why would they be hinged, now that C-16 has passed? They have all the power now.

2017-11-23 16:06:22 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

It's a mistake to think it's a minority.

2017-11-23 16:07:19 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

"Sexual identity is subjective" means every single person can claim to be an oppressed minority. Virtually 100% of the population can insert themselves into the victim role, and wield C-16's rules to drag someone to the Social Justice Courts.

2017-11-23 16:10:10 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

Yeah, but C-16 wasn't intended to help people who suffer from gender dysphoria. It was intended to use their plight to seize power.

2017-11-23 16:11:16 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

As Peterson said, "most transgender individuals just want to use the **other** gender's pronoun."

2017-11-23 16:16:04 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

Meh, they'll just claim to be victims of institutionalized oppression because people don't want to pay for their antics, and demand the government to give them money instead.

2017-11-23 16:17:26 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

Didn't you know? Gender representation disparity in STEM is so large, I wouldn't be surprised they'd be the first to be cut.

2017-11-23 16:28:33 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

We should care about trans, yes. We should have compassion. But compelled speech isn't compassion.

2017-11-23 16:29:07 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

If anything, it's making people hate trans people even more now.

2017-11-23 16:30:09 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

Not even reactionaries, even moderate people will just want to avoid the subject like the plague.

2017-11-23 16:31:32 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

If you own a place of business, a store, let's say. And you see what clearly looks and sounds like a man in a dress with a lot of makeup, you'll know be very alert until that person leaves the store. "Please don't let any scandal happen and disrupt my business while this freak is here."

2017-11-23 16:32:27 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

Before, it would be "well, as long as that person acts reasonably, I don't have a problem; if it turns out to be a crazy person, I'll just remove him/her from my store and be done with it."

2017-11-23 16:33:09 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

Now everyone sees them as ticking bombs, ready to go off at any time, for anything. And C-16 legitimizes any craziness they might do.

2017-11-23 16:33:59 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

It doesn't matter that most of them aren't crazy, what matters is that one of them might be, and they can just fuck your life up if they want to.

2017-11-24 04:53:10 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

But was it an assault bomb or just semi-automatic bomb? Did it have attachments?

2017-11-24 04:55:16 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

This one explains better how she got hold of such explosive device.

2017-11-24 04:58:19 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

>She is also charged with fraud of the SNAP food stamps program and making a false bankruptcy declaration.

2017-11-24 05:00:25 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

And the most important detail:
>Poff was charged after her cat's hair was found on Barack Obama's parcel

2017-11-24 05:00:37 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

Maybe the cat did it?

2017-11-24 05:01:29 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

There was a studying showing a link between some cat parasites and mental illness.

What do you mean, a joke? Is it fake?

Did he force something?

Kinda funny to see the ignorant atheists in the comments claiming that Jesus indeed was a fictional character. Shows you there are plenty of atheists that just have faith on what somebody else told them and didn't verify.

They *know* Christianity *has to* be false, but they don't know which parts. So they just assume *everything is false*.

There's some evidence that Jesus existed, and it wasn't just a random dude that happened to be called Jesus, it was the Jesus that lead to the creation of Christianity. You can argue whether he had magical powers or not, but there's just about as much evidence of him existing and appearing in public as most other figures of antiquity.

The Jews also recorded it.

>Paul R. Eddy has stated that as Rome's preeminent historian, Tacitus was generally known for checking his sources and was not in the habit of reporting gossip.

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