
Discord ID: 189242199580344321

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Sargon sees this. Sees an anime, sees snek, sees us be like. I got a video to do and goes off.

Snek is failing at homo.

He fake gay

You are. Homozygous.

nb4 den gets into it.

I r. Heterosexual.

I'll buttfuck u den.

it's not gay if it's a strap on.

Very ungay.

Quite heterosexual.

strap on = not gay

it not real dick

So are you saying eating a banana makes you gay @M4Gunner cause that is phallic.

eating a hotdog = gay fried.

Like a strap on? @M4Gunner

What about non-organic matter

Know what Snek

Your neck gay

your...LEGS GAY





Your face is standard deviation.

2018-11-27 17:32:10 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #twis]  

I mean it's stupid. I would just take the SD Card out of it

2018-11-27 17:32:17 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #twis]  

and be like you're not getting this back til you do what I say

2018-11-27 17:32:39 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #twis]  

Really? looks like an iphone

2018-11-27 17:32:44 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #twis]  

I think you can in iphones


Technically OC not anime.

from some artist, just looked cute so I use.

2018-11-27 17:34:26 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #twis]  

I swear I had mine transferred from my iphone 4 o my iphone 6s...

2018-11-27 17:34:32 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #twis]  

Then I wonder what he took out.

But if you want me to truly go nonanime.


not anime

it's video game


splatoon not anime

Weird but not anime

so it weird but not anime

autistic but not anime

But not anime. So I win too


Anime Japanese Cartoon

Are you saying steven universe is anime

Nah. Steven Universe doesn't have the blood sweat and tears of underpaid japanese labor work put into it.

So it can't be anime

Of course. It's not written in japanese.

Sad that their cheapest is still better than our modern western cartoon. Makes me sad.

NPC is anime

Pokemon Anime

In what way.

Good. I'd be remembered dying in glory then.

Nah. I died taking u out.

Noble Cause.


Me too.

Both win

But me fucking you with a strap on makes you the gay one

I still heterosexual

and you have the big gay

@Ondsinet It's a sin to suicide so ya gotta help me on that front fam.

@Ondsinet Jesus will forgive me.


See Jesus already like we want you in heaven asap

he loves me

@Ondsinet Got 20 bucks for the bus to heaven?

short on change

No. I'm a degenerate.

With two X chromosomes

DUDE if I was a trap

Oh fuck yes I would exploit that

I'd be a fucking trap thot

get all the mones

then get reported to IRS

No you are.


Must be a pattern why

Fried. Wake up.

this is a dream

I said pedo just to see who got offended by it

and fried did



hand me that rope

NPC is a pedo Broo?


NPC show her raspact


That not jesus

that blob

you may not like it

but he is peak performance



One more level

Before I make memes great again

nah. i got them spicy history memes

brb gotta ban depression sperg off anotha server.

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