Discord ID: 425377999366520844
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the second biggest cancer to morale surely has to be the liberal narrative being pushed that tortures and attacks are being exaggerated. they follow the same playbook as the americans. keep telling the lie and the un woke will start to believe it, till its too late and suddenly wonder why and how it happened. we are facing a force being sponsored by the open foundation society. might men like trump can stand up against them, he has the money and resources. we are divided by ideologies. some are boers, some are afrikaners, and nobody understands that the gate has been breached and we are facing a storm. the afrikanerbelang can only be protected if we understand who are targeting us and how they are doing it. i have been in my industry since early 2000's but decided this year to start studying for politics. i felt a dire need to stand up. even if i am alone. something needs to be done.
wisdom is needed. one needs to know when to act, respond, talk sense, troll and walk away. the eyes of the world is focused on the volk. this has not happened before. now is not the time to give them any reason to dismiss the tyranny. now is the time to flood facts. now is the time to get the world to see the unbiased behaviours: bbee, affirmative action, sports quotas etc. people need to get the full picture.
Willie, you are getting the word out. you made a statement and people are noticing and reacting. i think you should continue your day post of afrikaner/boer heros (people need to be reminded where we come from). maybe anglo boer war leaders etc.
I personally think - since william, prince of orange gave the rebellion flag - the prinsenvlag to use as a symbol - the only royal symbol given to be used by the volk by permission; it should feature. not to be confused with the previous country flag. i will be using the image soon on my twitter profile. @_brandwag .
i need to check there was a really nice journal i read, will have a look again
i am note sure if you guys follow vertigopolitix on youtube or twitter - but have a look
MIND BLOWING research, good information. you will not waste your time.
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