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2018-08-21 23:25:05 UTC [Red Storm Official #off-topic]  

Surprised he wasn't

2018-08-21 23:25:27 UTC [Red Storm Official #off-topic]  

The main attraction to the photo has to be the nose

2018-08-21 23:32:50 UTC [Red Storm Official #off-topic]  


>thing 1 and thing 2
100% accurate, no idea what the fuck those things are

That is some beautiful shit

@ThatRightWingFish Money says the (((author))) is biased to a certain agenda


She originally came from IL and moved here to go in election. Her job in military wqs a desk job. SHE SAW NO COMBAT EVEN THOUGH SHE PLAYED HER APPEARENCE TO BE A FRONT LINE MARINE


She is a carpet bagger who moved in less than 2 years ago and is running. Her funding is highest in NH

A literal nobody in this state and she mysteriously has most funding


I am on jobsites as I am a construction worker, constantly talking politics

I have made a bernie loving plumber actually question his support

Nope, I am non-union


Some trades are on site, like plumber, electricians, ect

high paying jobs

THe local electricans are a right leaning union, plumbers are Al Terry and another group from NY

Nope, I am a tradesman

aiming to work here until either put in office or I die

It is a mix for the trades. Non-union are mostly right leaning, minus Drywallers and Painters, as they mostly ONLY speak spanish on jobsites

Electrician unions are split, but I noticed non-major city unions are right leaning

Anything south of boston and east of Worchester is hard left, NH electricans are right

Sadly I am not for paying to work. I did the math and for a person who has ~8 years of experience is getting about 13-15/hour after insurences, 401k, vacation, dues, and everything else on top and I am getting about 20/hour after all of that non-union

However I do encounter unions occasionally

I am currently trying to work two subs who work for us. They came up from CT to work up here. Head worker has a violent pass with a 2nd degree murder conviction and multiple kids

They both lean hard left still, and are high in melanin

Well thing is he is a father of 6, if I can turn the father, the others will follow by example

His son is close, since he loves gun rights. His father is further since he can't touch them

He did move here to get away from the city for a better time growing up, but moved to manchester

He moved from a major disaster of Hartford to a mini-disaster

And here I am, sitting here as when most would call a Pagan and an oursider to this conversation

Yep, followed for 13 years of my life

The rest of years were me not caring

I know I am late on this but I see homosexuallity simply. A man to offer another man his ass dishonors his family

It really is

And Francis is a shame to his religion

They need a pope who has some balls

My last thing is to be extrovert, go out and discuss with community and work enviroment, attempt to convince to vote right

Out of work I am normally introvert amd relax with my friends but as of late I shifted to connect to everyone

I am off, night everyone

Today is an unproductive day sadly, no one to preach to, as I am in Maine and know nothing of their race


If anything I am running into a ton of libertarians

Oh. Well I probably did. And very true. NH has a festival for libertarian music. Left and right libertarians gather in Lancaster

2018-08-25 23:41:27 UTC [Red Storm Official #off-topic]  

?rank Skilled At Socializing and Persuasion

2018-08-25 23:41:48 UTC [Red Storm Official #off-topic]  

?rank Skilled At Socializing and Persuasion

Daily reminder canada has no friends

I need to get on a new jobsite, everyone here is already all for right leaning canidates who are in NH, but can't push one or the other for primary because we don't have any prefered here for me to push

Welp, that means she is ruined

Wpuld VC but about to sleep

This may be a meme and not deserve to go here but Maine being Libertarian has gone too far when someone says that I better be listening to Floggy Molly or Dropkick Murphys during work

Who is prefered people for primary?

Got it, I will pass it on

No mind biden trying huh?

Right late reply but I havr my two cents for what we should focus on for seats. I would like to push for NH-1 for House.

>open seat, former blue seat
>strongest dem is carpet bagger, ex-obama administrstion non-combat member of military
>because connected to obama can easily find corruption she did touched for infographs
>is playing former combat experience card all though she had a desk job
>two GOP competing is Eddy Edwards (black business owner) and other is Andy (NH Senate member)
>Eddy preferable since no dirt but at same time has no experience
>can at least play black card to get him elected

<@&414474557420994564> Primary is next Tuesday. Be ready to vote

Would like to join but I am about to shower and watching dems squeel for governer

For those who wanna listen in and prepare some shit to hit them with in NH to stop gov take over

Only notes I took so far is they are both filling the democratic ticket out fully

2018-09-06 12:12:19 UTC [Outer Heaven #nsfw-3d-girls-only]  

That is a very convincing argument to breed with a redhead

Welp, Brazil Civil War when?

NH is closer than I thought it would be, need to watch primaries to see whoch side gets more votes to predict who would win

I have beem hearing the same stuff from locals,they hate her

She talks big then does nothint but be fat stumps

Problem is going to be Carpet Bagger Maura, she has strong tries to Obama Campaign

Obama lovers will follow it hard

Andy does because he is well known locally. Without a long time in senate he wouldn't be as well known

It is a shame that SD id 3rd,but it shows they are becoming a powerful force

Election day tomorrow <@&414474557420994564>,make you you forcefully drag people out to vote

Damn straight

Also did my vote, voted for Negron against Custer

<@&414474557420994564> go out snd vote today

I will join in a bit to talk of NH, need to hit store first

Idea should be to make them obey you,not them rule you after they did all they could to stop you

I wanna throw in my 2 cents, he is treating it TOO much like a business with board members and he shouldn't

Only way to determain the large change is betwen election night and now. If more, it is a serious problem

>who would win today

who cares the election was 2 years ago

Plus didn't they say the same thing 2 years ago that she had about a 95% chance?

I am going to be going to bed. I am think I can call NH 1 for edwards, and NH-2 is a too close to call but I assume Negron

Two things Edwards has over pappas,he is a former police chief and former Navy

Sanborn messed up his own campaign by being a cunt to people

Now to explain what I said earlier about how Primaries don't matter. In NH, people aligned with a party get their own ballot; so GOP with GOP, Dem with Dem, ect. However, people in NH who are seen as Independant can go into elections and pick a ballot and vote on it. It wouldn't be beyond my state to go out and vote for people who would be easier to take down either side. Like we talked in VC last night. Voter turn out in primaries vs general is about 100k different, with some not evem spiking past the 100k mark

Majority of NH is Independant. They can swayed

I have seen the influx of republicans over the last years who lost in general, despite having more votws than democrats

I even stated it for about a month ahead of time,NH-1 was going to swing Edwards, people liked him over Sanborn

Hate to say it, but he was our best case in NH-1. I wull explain more when I gas up

All right now it's time for me to explain this. You guys are not thinking like New Hampshire people do, New Hampshire people think what is best to assist New Hampshire not the US. New Hampshire people want candidates who are very friendly towards the people; someone very little dirt. Sanborn has so much dirt on him with everything has happened in the last couple years, that you could probably crash Discord if you posted it all at once. Pappas is the same way except he did nothing. He was like a ghost when he was serving in Congress, and there's no way that people can make bids like this from Congress unless they're getting money from outside sources because New Hampshire Congress only pays $200 too elected officials to do their job. Pappas must have had outside funding for this from the major players, while Edwards is former police and is now private sector. We can spend this to assist New Hampshire however the Negron on case is going to be a bit different and I'll go over that when I get more information on this because he too is a state representative.

>get this after I post this message

MEE6 confirmed to dislike niggers and NH results

A lot of independants in my area support trump even if they declare independant party

If Edwards plays pro-trump card very hard he can gain them, but it will be the make or break decision

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