Doc Jinzo, PhD in Trap Negation

Discord ID: 247921168483483648

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@Nyctob0t I see ur emojis and that ur a man of culture as well



I agree. I donโ€™t rlly care till they want me to start treating them special cause theyโ€™re โ€œdifferentโ€

Like u either want to be treated the same or u want special treatment pick one

Nothing. Have some gay/bi friends that donโ€™t make a big deal about it so we get along fine.

Itโ€™s the ones that wanna scream it in ur face and demand respect they havenโ€™t earned that Iโ€™m not a fan of

Eh Iโ€™d give them the same respect I would a straight friend.

Friends are friends are friends are friends it doesnโ€™t rlly matter

Personally I think itโ€™s a sin on religious grounds but I also think ppl are free to choose what they wanna do, even if itโ€™s sinful, and that Jesus died so we could be forgiven of our sins.

Plus I ainโ€™t the one judging them at the pearly gates so why judge them here? โ€œLet he who is without sin cast the first stoneโ€ and all of that

So do gays imo it donโ€™t matter thatโ€™s the whole point of the point I was making. I donโ€™t think itโ€™s my place to judge

<:worryShrug1:454393489254514701> <:worryShrug2:454393500008579072>

Sorry. Not that type of doctor

And cthulhu he means the glorification of gay ppl on tv and that whatever they do on tv canโ€™t be criticized else u be called a bigot. The same gay people that just want to be treated the same as everyone else mind you

Ew I never understood the appeal of anal. Thatโ€™s where ur poop comes out ๐Ÿคข



Tbh Cthulhu id actually love it if it was ur job, like u were an undercover journalist for wapo or something or even a spy for spez. Iโ€™d die laughing

Idk I just think itโ€™d be funny

Oh u work in the computer field too? So do I. Not web design tho. Kinda iffy on revealing too much what with cancel culture and all

Tbh Iโ€™m even kinda nervous to be posting in a discord like this cause ya never know lol.

But then I remember I wouldnโ€™t wanna work for a company thatโ€™d fire me for being conservative anyways

I graduated in computer science but my dream job is to work in digital media ironically. Just need to find the time and motivation to get crackin on training for that

Meh who cares if they post or not not like a majority of the country actively uses twitter anyways. I barely use it tbh unless im bored and thereโ€™s nothing else to do

Tbh Iโ€™m very much looking forward to Milwaukee to see if the Bernie bros make good on their threat to burn shit down.

Also to next month cause thatโ€™s New Yorkโ€™s primaries hehe. Wanna see if AOC gets kicked tf out or not XD

Iโ€™d rather that glass of water Nancy mentioned win at this point

Look, Fat is the better version of Ok, Boomer letโ€™s be honest

Iโ€™ve never seen two ppl simultaneously throw out and take bait at the same time...fascinating

Yoda is a giant grasshopper confirmed. Weโ€™ve solved the mystery gents

Oh yeah forgot about the geonosians. Lol just remembering how they talk itโ€™s rlly funny

Well thanks I try and be chill <:worryDealWithIt:400698216645001226>

And @Pytokonda ๐Ÿ ye but thatโ€™s cause itโ€™s more fun watching them go at it then find some common ground than the vetted chat sometimes

Vetted chat itโ€™s just coronavirus and Tom hanks talk for the past like 3 hours ๐Ÿ™„

Yank stuff? As in yankee?

Or like yankin the crank?

Um. Noooooo ๐Ÿ‘€

Ww3 or coronavirus pick ur memes today

I have a good bit cause I get the huge pack regularly anyways

Aight Iโ€™ve gotta hit the hay or else imma die at work tomorrow. Night

Goooooood Morning. Well not so good I woke up at 3 am for reasons but went back to bed so slightly ok morning to u all

Yowch. Tbh my dogs play loud in my apt so my new neighbors probs hate me lol

Bassett beagle mix and the other is Lab and I believe also beagle mix

They didnโ€™t know nor have info on her other breed

This is a really old pic around when I first got them a couple months back

But itโ€™s the best one I have thatโ€™s also not showing too much of my apartment to strangers on the internet lol

Idk they have their ups and downs.

Idk why but the Bassett one (Roman) likes to just go over and sit on top of the lab mix (Stella).

Like just walk over and plop his butt right down on her back while sheโ€™s laying on the couch. Itโ€™s funny but also a dick move at the same time

I will say Iโ€™m not too worried bout myself with coronawona but I am worried about my grandparents potentially getting it

Awww. Even tho thatโ€™s from nypost still funny

This chat is more fun itโ€™s still just coronawona in the other one

Freakin politico like can yโ€™all not screech about orange man for like 2 secs? Guess not

Also lol man I missed some lefty screeching here cause work. Thatโ€™s a bummer

Well they *were*

Kinda quiet now

Knew a guy that snorted salt on a dare once


I just hope the salt continues to flow itโ€™s kinda interesting to see them freak out in real time

Itโ€™s not.

Itโ€™s *stunning and brave* and Iโ€™ll thank you to remember that <:otis:658089853807886398>

Dang those skelemen are moving way too fast <:worrysweat:398047794021007362>

Lol remember guys *weโ€™re* the intolerant ones

And now very quiet lol

Yeah cis means non trans

Tho some trans ppl try to claim theyโ€™re cis so itโ€™s kinda confusing at times, with the whole โ€œtrans women are womenโ€ claim

I forget what bts is

Never heard it called bts lol


I mean that person DID start screeching and harassing us first

Zai Warudo?

Ok I might have to be banned from the server now for referencing Jojo.

I have sinned

Probs one of those two screechy lefties in here earlier who had their caps lock stuck on

Why u let her yell at us then? <:laryCry:459849640846557215>

<:laryCry:459849640846557215> <:laryCry:459849640846557215> <:laryCry:459849640846557215>

I agree. Itโ€™s more *stunning and brave* to say you are than hide it

I doubt that

This is more cancer than the vetted chat feds?

Lol then u understand why weโ€™re here

I mentioned anime a couple times no one seemed to care or rage

2020 is about pc cancel culture socialist identitarian politics vs freedom to be individuals and offensive

I got some friends in the daily wire discord from there. Lot more conservatives there than ya would believe

Iโ€™m like in the middle on the right side of the line. Not too far but not too center/left

Lol I still rlly hope Spez is here trynna spy on us

Just having to endure being called a cuck every other post

Cared enough to try and delete the Donald

<:worryShrug1:454393489254514701> <:worryShrug2:454393500008579072>

Also wonโ€™t lie Iโ€™m a virgin. Whatโ€™s the issue here?

Just means Iโ€™m waiting for the right one

Plus donโ€™t wanna accidentally make a baybay before Iโ€™m ready to take care of one


Back up pyto <a:aworryParryR:469522524049244160> <a:aworryParryR:469522524049244160> <a:aworryParryR:469522524049244160>

Eh, Murphyโ€™s law

โ€œWhat can go wrong, will go wrongโ€

Oh right forgot about Jack the Sticker

<#665555087782969355> guys

Iโ€™m baaaack

Lost my vetted status tho ;-;

Meh that chat was one of the reasons I left <:worryShrug1:454393489254514701> <:worryShrug2:454393500008579072>

So, how bout that dem package huh? Canโ€™t wait to help ppl whoโ€™ve lost their jobs by waiting a month cause they wanna...letโ€™s see here...cut carbon emissions and have pay equity and no identity voting?

Lol seriously tho even I didnโ€™t think Pelosi and Schumer would sink this low fuck them

Congrats Saturn. Still in this chat tho I see lol. I guess I Might wanna get vetted again so I can be a green boi. Meh Iโ€™ll do it tomorrow

Seriously even my left leaning friends are saying how much asshoe-ry they committed with this bs.

Like I didnโ€™t like impeachment, but I understood it. It was hackery and theatre thatโ€™s normal for both sides but *this?* This is a new low even for them.

Elitist hunger game asshats sittin up there smiling down as they shaft everyone whoโ€™s lost their job

No sheโ€™s worse. And I never thought Iโ€™d say that

At least AOC and Bernie agree with trump on this one to an extent (idk if AOC rlly does but sheโ€™s a bernie bro again and I know bernie agrees with the Don)

Pelosi came back from her vacay and basically ordered her senate minions to vote against a bipartisan relief bill republicans spent all weekend negotiating (skipping their vacations mind you) so they could write a new one with green new deal and pay equity crap in it.

Of course them and the media are somehow finding ways to blame the gop and trump for that little stunt

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