
Discord ID: 416280375719886858

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I'll buy rtx 2060 + ryzen 5 2600

I was going to buy 1070, but it costs like 2060, and 2060 is outperforming 1070 even in 1440p

Also i was looking for vega 64, but its now sold out

Asus one was like the same price as vega 56, 1070 and 2060

Hi fellow /fit/ fren

Dont shöt moscow i live there there good mcbonalbs eweryver

Im Christian lol

This is russia btw

At least its not me playing half-life while being 3yo

Thanks to my dad

I want ncie bear smilies

I take shower everyday because i like it and i dont like stink and i like warm feeling of water and lack of oxygen

Im toaster...

Build exoskeleton

Lol postsoviet fren

Fuck 27 degrees outside

And someone joking about russia being cold

Fuck russia is fucking hell

That was joke


Doom is not cancer

I hate all anime ops

I dont like ops and endings cause i like metal

Yay im still cyan

I wabt back 2 kindergarden

I wabt be babb

I want go to univercity and study nuclear physics to destroy heck

Not in russia

In russia college is shit and uni is great

I want to be hl scientist in future

Its mostly based on school

I was in lyceum, it like school for smart ones, and theres was bunch of just nerds, but good people too

Btw movies is shit

I fucking hate all teachers from my first school

They all are assholes and brainless

It's dead end now

Too much people learning how to programm because they see how much good programmes get paid

Is there subtitles? My headphones are dead

MOG-9 reported sign of stage 3 infection

Its 17:16

I want to play doom again, but i have only 22%


Fuck, ive already imagined that

My imagination is stronger than you think

Who said that i would put it on me?

My imagination can force everyone to do whatever i want

I can imagine that i have control over entire nuclear arsenal of humanity

And i can launch it to the moon so it will explode and create probably very large catastrophe on earth too

Ok, ill find some more as109 arts

Good night buds

It looks like this d3rbauer cpu deliding thing

After that i can get nightmares, so now its perfect time to sleep

Dood mornin frens

Ooooh, blini....

No, its special russian cooking, but its fucked up

Its like pankakes but more flat, and you need mannually add something else in it to make it taste better, like jam or sour cream

It called блины

Crebes post

Fuck n cuck

Not you, nobody

I don't know what im doing

Im russian

Im sad because of it

There was tbat serbian guy

Russian shitposts, do you want some?

Niggers in russia is not real

There's literally no niggers

Some kebabs, but no niggers

Theres crysis

Everyyhing doubled the cost since 2014

Nope, our currency just dropped in price cause of some political problems

Are you fucked up?


Im good, what about you, @Mia

They added desert worms?

I think i know this mod

Greg tech for 1.4.7

Adds a fuckton of tech things and crafts that can make you help to do more other crafts for the sake og crafts, but not so intence like in 1.6.4 or 1.7.10

Oh and also it adds dust

Fuck, i need my Gregori Father image to greet everybody

I saw shit in it

This is literally me


Also i lived some time in Norilsk

Its like all jokes about syberia and russia being cold as fuck, but its actually far off from fucking polar circle, so its really cold in there

Not like -50 C°, more like - 40C°, but there's very strong and cold winds, it even can knock out a full grown man

Greetings, Brother

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