
Discord ID: 217641383035404289

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I smell very nice actually

4chan is banned and I have to use a vpn

and I can't post no matter hwat

I just don't go on 4chan anymore except today

instead I spend time with friends

they went a bit nutters over the shooting thing

@mixim is there any rules I hsould know about

I will proceed to post traps in the nsfw channel now

it's free for a bit every month

all the horny guys tell me to get kik

are they able to e-rape me straight from that app

tfw all the dating apps forbid image sending

am I meant to strike conversation

isn't it kinda weird being on grindr

ya know, an app for gay *men*

don't the guys on there treat you like a man

What are you looking for then

My sleep schedule is hecked up

I'm trying to fix it but I'm just tired all the damn time

I've also been really horny lately but too shy to ask anyone to do it with..

I don't know enough people

And meeting new people is such a hassle ugh

I've been playing a bunch of modded minecraft recently..

I'm an earth mage in full dryad armour

Too bad it eats ram like a starved puppy

Today has been such a mess, kept losing in my videogames, slept way too much.. and when I ordered potato wedges from my favourite place

And not lovely and crisp like they usually are

At least there was one good feel today

Tfw look in the mirror and be like wow

Well idk if you'd think so but

I feel really good about my looks today at least

Damn, what else could you want in life


Ok I sleep, goodnight frens

Tfw wake up at 4 am and cant sleep anymore


Just dreamt I was playing killing floor before I woke up

I was carrying whilst everyone else was dead

Gonna play some killing floor 2 when that new update comes out today or tomorrow

I just watch YouTube and pirate stuff

I miss having a TV playing and just sitting back and watching random dumb cooking shows and such though

Though I'll play anything

All my friends got tired of it though so don't play it much anymore


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