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2019-11-19 11:22:44 UTC [Stupid Idiot #new-fag]  

2019-12-21 15:24:54 UTC [Stupid Idiot #new-fag]  

yo 👋

hugh memes are 👌

do yall vc or anything

or do ya just stick to mostly txt chatin

cool cool

I'm just bored atm n dont have da energy for games

wanted to just shoot sum shit n chill

hola amigos

where da hammer at

the last one is cursed

that eye stares into ur soul

what was nsfw?

the patrick?

hide ur phone better, maybe?

i be lookin at hentai most of the time when i'm in public

wether they see it or not should bother u, what kinda pussy gets scared of what others think of them

i'm far from a chad brother

waaaaaaaaaay too short


thanks brother

i appreciate the kind words

who said u needed to do more

do what u can n grow 👍

22 atm



i am very aware

i got over it back in middle school


i love rollercoasters

how would u go about doing that?

do u stick ur dick in coaster or the roller


whys that ank

the only ones i hate are the kind that go all the way up super slowly n then drop u




u ever been on a jet ski


i love long car rides

my girl n i smoke and ride on the highway every now n then

junk is kino



longest drive i've done solo was from nc to brandonton, FL

sleek doggo

ye he just slick wit it

tbh i hated gohans persona during the cell arc

the great saiyanman was garbo

but this img is golden


i'm retarded

i meant after trhe cell arc

got my wording wrong there bud

that doggo needs sum treats

wait back to the dbz junk

u hated the buu saga??

very tru

but when he gets "mystic" he gets soo cocky n just blows it

then again mr. toreyamomup was prob obligate to make goku the hero by the end

so he had to come up wit sum bs reason to gimp gohan

i feel like the buu saga was the greatest in terms of toreyamomup's writing style

it had the funny n easy to digest feel of original dragon ball, wit the seriousness of z still mixed in

lol me either

i've only read it

it is

but wit the mango his writing style n paneling is so easy to just melt into that even tho it was so childish n silly its a great read

oh ye bulma was cutie from the start


from what i've gathered the androids where the original bad fellas, but his editor an the general public disliked them so he came up wit cell

pretty much everythin after frieza was just made up on the spot

u mean 16?

just looked him up]

he was anime n film only

no wonder i didn't even know of his existence

i was gonna say like wtf where did 13 come from


i'm not that big into anime

takes too much time to go through

i read mangos generally]

i didn't get into anime until highschool

only anime i knew was naruto

oh man u doooo

u just want to keep flipping the pages

and keep going

its a rush

obviously when it comes to anime the motion and music wit addition to color elevate it but the feel is def still there in written form


it is




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