Alice®『P A D O R U』

Discord ID: 263731421338796033

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Oh heck another Alice

Ur pfp is the gayest jojo boi

Cuz I wanted a higher role

Boi don't make me hungry

I can't I'm outside

I couldn't go inside

Boi u want me to freezs to death

But smoking inside smells

We don't have a basement

I don't have a garage either lul

Well I do but not one a car could drive in

Well it's not made for a car

It's like two other rooms next to my house

Nah but weed smells stronger too

And I don't want my parents to know I smoke thay

Just afterschool a hop outside with a friend before I go home


Squad rolling out

Ain't gay to kiss your homies goodnight

Being friends with girls is hella gay tho

Kiss me goodnight homie

Not sleeping now tho

I wouldn't mind bro

Actually it's Noire cosplaying Azunyan

But indeed Azunyan cute

My previous profile pic was Azunyan

No Noire from Lastation

Hyperdimension Neptunia

She basically represents Playstation in the world of "gamindustri" she's a tsun but loves cosplayinh

And I found out she cosplayed my best girl Azusa Nakano oncd

I'm too much of a weeb I swear

You made it out of the degeneracy that is watching anime till it can be considered a chronic addiction

What other problems tho?

Who needs grills anyway

Boi i'm telling you just switch to guys

It's way easier and it ain't gay if you say no homo

Where do you live?

Don't know any traps from there and I know a lot of traps

Just gotta believe

The chances of finding a cute single trap and that are the same tbh

Both extremely rare

How old are you right now?

Nah there's still hope for you

It might be harder but certainly not impossible

Oof damn 3 people have asked already

I really should start making that account I was gonna make 2 months ago

I procrastinate too hard

I'll do it tomorrow

Shit it's tomorrow in 3 minutes

My @ for twitter right?

Drinking is amazing mate

About smoking weed

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