
Discord ID: 556223219519193090

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Because that's exactly what I expect to happen

What did you do? lol

Yeah gab's ui is awful. The loading time was like a media site's

3 hours doesn't sound healthy tbh

I remember being locked out of my account like twice a day for a week

no idea why

How comfy are skirts?

Always wondered in the back of my mind


Eat the cake

I give it one hashish over 10 riceweeds @Anti Corona Virus Suit Ragathor

That's an understatement, they'll fart themselves to mars

"right wing troll bots" Wow, that's dehumanising

F the CIA's favourite honeypot

We need convince ppl to move to tor or like i2p

Tor doesn't or can't ban direct links I'm pretty sure. They just threw a fit over tds being hosted on it

Who cares

Or criticise the government

Yeah that's what I meant

Same thing applies to VK (Russian facebook) I think although I'm not sure

They act tough until someone attacks the redstone grid

"bread tubers"?

Are they neolibs larping as communists/socialists? That's what the name makes me think

Called it lol

"Mr. Trump is a fascist, I hate fascist. He need to take away everybody guns"

Like even from a marxist perspective, disarming people is literally going against what marx wrote

Which is basically "If they try disarming you, shoot them"

I'm not sure who I hate more anymore tbh

Libs or conservatives

I think we should just purge the world of "classical liberalism" and it's ideologies

based bot

No, we just need to destroy liberalism

If we get rid of libs, conservatism and libertarianism will die out too

We basically need to destroy the current system

You can imagine the smug look on their faces disappear when it happens

Notice how no-one goes back to being a liberal or conservative after they stop?

I think it's because they find out that classical liberal ideologies are full of shit

I love you too bot

Just realising I missed the oppertunity to replace "I, Francis E. Dec" with "I, Jordan B. Peterson"

Looking forward to Bannerlord also

<@&489004457007513601> It's finally done!


The site got shutdown :(

Glad I got the letter read before this

Well, nice that it's uploading not going to take a while lol


Mountain dew tastes like piss, how does anyone like it?

What happened?

Kyle_Cursed, right?

Eris you are going to die of kidney or liver failure

That depends, do you believe in it?

Wait bear's a trap?

Mind blown

No, porn bad

No and I haven't indulged in forever and that's a good thing

What's a coomer?


You're posting cringe

No, that sounds like "if you kill your enemies they win"

Right so here's the deal with "the future" stuff I thought was cringe. You don't wait for the future, you build it

You predict and anticipate it, take your actions accordingly. The whole nihilism and eternal depression act is what drowns you in self-fulfilling prophecy is my addition @Anti Corona Virus Suit Ragathor

I pretty much agree with Eris though. You deal with problem people through one way or another until they're not a problem

I used to think my life was a tragedy, now I realise it's a comedy

1 ticket to joka plz

4th of October american time I think

It's 2 days from October

I haven't been to a cinema in forever

Last time was 2013

"eris doesnt have a dick" - When did eris get a butchers knife?

Eris confirmed having a vagina

I said the n-word for the first time maybe a week ago

Am I a cool kid now?

Wait you have *everyone's* dox? <@&489004457007513601>

dm me the state I live in

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