Discord ID: 273923907491463179

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I've heard of Atlantis but never seen it

I feel like they didn't need a toy story 4

I think they wrapped things up in the third film

The fourth film was unneeded

I haven't seen it I just have no interest in watching it

I don't even know what else they could do with the storyline

. Tarzan was a good movie but never had a childhood crush on him

Yeah true


When they said it was trash?

But it was actually good

"McToast-senpai" - I think I threw up a little in my mouth

that's so cringey it's not even funny lmao

no kidding


is that your equivalent to no u? @SinSanguine

Here's another opinion of mine no one asked for: unless you're allergic I'll never understand why people freak out over bees so much, when people scream about a bee they just look retarded


Yeah I just cringe when I see people do that

If you swat at them they're more likely to sting

From experience they don't even sting that often either

I used to hang out with a group of girls who acted like retards over bees

Unless they're wasps

A wasp stung me last year on the index finger and it hurt so much

@SYDWAD because you're not a mod

@SYDWAD should've said that too

Even when I got stung I didn't freak out

Oh fuck

Drinking anything sugary is spooky when you're outside

I don't think we have many hornets where I live

We have the little bees, the thicc bees, and wasps

What do the thicc bees do

Aren't the little ones honey bees

Bumble bees are cute

Wasps are the assholes that will attack for no reason

They do

I've had one randomly fly up and sting me

And I didn't do anything

Bees won't sting unless provoked, wasps will just sting just cause

I was inside my school

No where near a nest

Wasps can sting you as many times are they feel like it the bees are the ones who die after


I try not to kill spiders

I usually let them outside

pineapple doesn't go on pizza

change my mind

that's genius




the cringe

c r i n g e



hi emily

nice to see you

i've missed you

I missed you more

I doubt it

we've missed you too


aka handsome squidward

I guess


it's not homo if you say no homo


Who said they were trustworthy

They shouldn't be a mod

Who's to say he didn't know what would happen and they were working together

I have jack back his

Because I trust him

He's a mod on my server for a while now and hasn't done anything bad

But who said that person could be trusted

I'm pretty sure he pulled something similar on shaman before

honestly tho

my peter tingle was telling me

that guy was a snake

I clearly remember dragon spirit banning people for no reason on the lcu

we had a vc about it

I wasn't lmao

but i don't think you'd listen to me

if I said

also what's with the name change

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