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2019-07-23 17:12:31 UTC [Antico Debates #initiate-general]  


COPPA is trying to censor YouTube

While FTC is blaming YouTube, parents letting little kids going on to Internet unsupervised should be criticized for bad parenting

2.7x better cpu, 2x RAM

Now BonziWORLD got domain name!

HW vuln...

From 5s to X

Apple got unsecure

Seems to be method similar to old day's hacktivation

And hacktivation will render phone unable to become a phone, it will turn it into iPod

PC or Mac? Why not both?

No longer need to enter port number to access my bonziworld


This person must be so skilled

Spent only $6500 USD for TESLA MODEL S

Even more expensive than Tesla Model 3 Long Range!

Aftermarket hepa to help mofel 3 owners now my BonziWorld beefed up its protection against script kiddies

Script kiddies used to ruin it by doing this

So I basically made if youtube command's argument is longer than normal video id, it will make anyone's Bonzi to say that they are script kiddie and ask others to mute them and call them asshole

people proclaim they are hackers (I know these BonziWORLD script kiddies say that they "hacked" BonziWORLD), but who only know how to use tools exiting on the Internet or scripts obtained from anywhere, mostly pastebin.

They make "viruses" that can be harmful, but these viruses easily get detected by antivirus because they use existing tools to create virus that is available on surface web

These script kiddies on BonziWORLD basically use known YouTube command related vuln and inject js there, but seeing multiple modifications of these kind of crazy acts, I can guess that they just modify bits and pieces of script from somewhere else (I actually found it at Pastebin)

Wtf happened on collab vm

Nortel and MaCatte


Having Dell Inspiron N5110 as a server

Me and other users of BonziWorld were fed up with these Collab VM kiddies and I decided to block Collab VMโ€™s IP address from my server

New Windows 10 look for BonziWORLd

Compare two BonziWORLD.

Upper one is mine and below one is another person's.0

Also chat screen look more like Win 10

Apple as expected

I'm not sure where to say about this, YouTube COPPA is pissing me off!!

Gory cartoon parody videos being flagged as "for kids"?! Nonsense.

And miniplayer disabled for videos that flagged as "for kids"

And comments disabled

If it continues Hub will become better than YouTube

Should ask hub to add miniplayer

Why Google just don't allow using YouTube if you are signed out, and allow access if account is created (ofc over 13 is requirement to create an account)

And assume every contents starting from PG-13 or TV-14 equivalent unless it is explicitly said that it is for kids?

And bar all of other videos from YT Kids app if they are not said it's for kids?

Also, they will also need to ban NSA from gathering data traffic cause it could include traffic from kids, based on what FTC did to YouTube

I might be look into website, for some videos with disabled comments, to be embedded and people can comment on website instead

It's not as important as current situation with YouTube Coppa!

... Google think I have a Pixel when I installed Pixel Experience ROM

YouTube Alternative

Also what is going on YouTube now,according to many people's experience

Marking age restricted video as "content for kids"

It's getting worse.

Another alternative to YouTube:

Yes, a boring-ass television

YouTube after 10 years: A Netflix with some shitty videos

Also this

Khan Academy is now on LBRY!!!!

If you want an open-source YouTube client that does its job better

I couldn't use miniplayer for video there cause YouTube stupidly thought it was "for kids", and I could use even better miniplayer with flexible size and more controls on NewPipe

Also wtf YouTube...

NewPipe app is working so nicely

YouTube want to let kids watch that?!

Some collab vm kids use collab vm to download fake "robux generator" which turns out to be NotPetya Ransomware

Kids that immature shouldn't be allowed on the net

2020-01-28 00:52:27 UTC [Antico Debates #initiate-general]  

It works for me

2020-01-28 00:52:44 UTC [Antico Debates #initiate-general]  

Basically about thing that Chinese govt lied about Coronavirus

On another side, kids mature faster nowadays and COPPA age should be lowered. In America 12 and 13 year olds are being sentenced for life for murder / can get legally punished by law but can't have Google account. What's that mess?


Is it messenger made by you or some sort? Or open source project?


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