Discord ID: 569836964367302686

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foids out

im so horny i would become facist for a woman if she told me to ๐Ÿ’ฏ


king in his domain, this aint cookedโ€™s first rodeo

AFAB (Assigned Faggot At Birth)

no we dont

yeah this sky is not blue


ay just asking does this server have rules

ok then why u still here ๐Ÿ˜Ž

you want more women here

No E Girls Never

speaking to a woman violates my political principles

MDEโ€™s Utopia is my political ideology

galaxys* gayest* faggot*


u cant fuck my mum im not retarded enough to be associated with a woman like that

dont be anti sametic

who do i look like 2 u

who owns a bird

sorry i live in wyoming not the the 3rd world

damn my condolences

its not man be honest

yeah i like rural life

come and stop me

id rather live in an active warzone than scotland

rather live in ISIS controlled syria

yeah but when they were most powerful

dey were

who must go


but more north

ive lived in Virginia, Wyoming and West Virginia


this is my fave assad clip

my politics r support who makes me laugh

thats why im voting for Marianne Williamson

im writing in Mitt Romney

Tucker Carlson imo is a step above most conservative pundits

im not a conservative but its refreshing to see popular right wing figures that arent pro Israel neocons

man this image made me authright

i hate sex and sexuality

theyre all so horny

i hate it

i wish humans could asexually reproduce

no just eradicate sex

im a hardline asexual

wish people just spawned in like minecraft


yeah they heard the crimestoppers joke and they didnt want any part of it

its been so long since ive seen a black person irl

black people b having sex

i wasnt born in wyoming

so i dont have that trait

no i dont

i was born in west virginia i have incest stat


the only belarussian i know is dasha from red scare


Celtics Vs Rangers

celtics r some pedos anyway


celtics is 4 drunks

whats a slav ever done for me

your children will be anglos

Armenia was the first Christian nation

because Armenia is based

can we meet somewhere closer

how about reagans grave

its closer for me

just went from trump to bernie cos of that omage

chomsky sucks maybe if he didnt talk so slow i could take his ideas seriously

hes gay

that nigga like 800 ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Somalia is our greatest ally

i dont like micheal parenti

got a queer name its puts me off

i hate italians im watching sopranos purely so i know how to make fun of them better

communists shouldnt make memes

no theyre all lame

facists and the alt rights memes will always be better than the leftd

neocons cant meme

facists can

only hilary can defeat facism

id rather have edge than 4000 words on my screen

leftists have never created anything near as strong as pepe was

only thing that springs to mind is gritty and hes anarkiddie bullshit and not that well known

we need more leftist dog whistles

it had shelf life undeniably

that image is v funny but convuluted af

what u guys think of anprims

im feeling a light 9 to a strong 8

CEO of lists

real shit except i got almost top left

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