
Discord ID: 250697222973292544

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At what point did I say I was going to storm the house of commons.

Evidently not. Far too dangerous. I'd rather mock them.

Jokes aside, Hi? I think?

I haven't read up on your thoughts enough yet, so I'll finish reading whatever required reading there is.

As for it being a Cabal, does this mean I have to sacrifice things


... Seriously though.

So the things that I was re-reading on the website already.

No, Sergio is pretty good at linking me things.

Is this were the virgin sacrifices come in.

Oh that's bloody clever.

Can I sacrifice my brother.

It'd be the only useful thing the lazy shite would ever do.

Thank you for the welcome.

Also, Skratch, surely by now you should know the only things I write are immensely bad porn and posts about how I want to slowly dismantle the EU's parliament buildings.

Is this another Spaniard.

God, they're surrounding us.

Oh thank goodnes.s

I was scared for a moment.

Good, you should. The series is fun.

A visual novel; Umineko no Naku Koro Ni.

There's lots of murder.

Except more polite?

To be fair I like dutch stuff.

Trakities are- fuck how do you spell that.

Whatever, the sandwich sprinkles are good.

I thought you were gonna meme that.

'People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the damned dutch'

I really need that pea soup recipe...

The recipe was dutch and it was delicious.

Lardons on top, nice black bread with it...

Since I have to get university stuff for sunday, I should probably go the fuck to sleep.

And you're being silly too, yes.

... Kidding, of course.

Surely it doesn't matter if you can't hold it.

because if you can't hold it, you have even less of a reason to buy a 1.4K phone.

Frankly if that's the concern of any feminist they need to buy the last I phone or whatever.

I'm busy listening, so don't mind me.

@Sergio Bosque Do you wanna know what I did to chorizo this time.

Before you other weirdoes ask yes I do exist only to annoy Sergio with my awful terrible British food.

On the other hand adding apricot jam, tomatoes and onions to chorizo actually worked as a pasta sauce.

Are there fuckpsalms or something.

Also goddamn do I have to find my bible (by which I mean go back down the M4 for a while) just to quote things at you.

Goddamn it Solomon.

You do demonic shit then get to this.

Petition for biblical figures to stick to defeating demons and committing mass murder pls.

i'm down for any interpretations of the bible that lead to me laughing manically about how the bible is just about sex in front of Jehovah's witnesses.

Also apricot jam improved my pasta sauce.

They all use the King James, so it probably wouldn't work. Damn.

Thank goodness my University's Socialist Society is chill enough to not bother people.

I thought that said 'canada points to the orcs, who bear red flags'

Sergio is too busy trying to Woo Russians, I expect.

As far as I can tell, that and trying to turn spain into a communist Utopia are the only two things he does.

This is still more useful than what I do. I just cry in happiness when I obtain new socks.

I've always wanted to be thrown off a building.

It isn't just his E-peen that's out of control.

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