
Discord ID: 315181785384484866

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2019-04-18 07:25:28 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

theatre of the aire and the first episode of kstv2 made me feel better about being a paypig

2019-04-30 12:45:02 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

@skymoo I feel the same way I cant wait to watch the new avengers movie again and play fortnight!!!

2019-05-10 20:48:19 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

>bribe a non prostitue what sort if pilpul is this nonsense

2019-05-10 20:49:36 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

i would assert that all women are prostitutes

2019-05-17 10:48:15 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

if you dont drop that 5$ a month we will never see Joyride.

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