
Discord ID: 236735632607674368

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2018-09-02 05:10:00 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-10-19 19:48:28 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Give me permission to upload images pls for just one image

2019-10-19 19:48:44 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

I'll earn my crust

2019-10-19 19:49:33 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Fuckoff cuck

2019-10-19 19:50:14 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Ur trying to cuck me

2019-10-19 19:50:19 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

I see you

2019-10-19 19:51:29 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Oh no im shamed

2019-10-19 19:52:23 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-10-19 19:52:33 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

I played tf2 between 07 and 11

2019-10-19 19:53:02 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Give me some gaymer dignity back at least foe that

2019-10-19 19:53:27 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Ok cuck

2019-10-19 19:53:31 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

You cucked me

2019-10-19 19:54:34 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-10-20 16:08:45 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

>when we got back to the office i gave her this short speech on how she has absolutely no fucking understanding of the value of money
>and at 40 she will be a broke barren used up hoe that no one wants to touch because sheโ€™s a money sinkhole. she basically stop talking about shopping after that.

2019-10-20 16:11:49 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

your automatic response is to accuse me of being upset when i call you a retard over a story of you getting extremely upset at a coworker telling them stuff that makes you look like a sperglord

2019-10-20 16:11:51 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-10-20 16:12:20 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

u cant troll me

2019-10-20 16:15:07 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

i bet you sound like alek minassian irl

2019-11-07 03:23:36 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-11-07 03:23:45 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

throw your pittyphile stats at me

2019-11-07 03:24:00 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

pitbull stats

2019-11-07 03:24:43 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

half of /r/mde posts were about pitbulls

2019-11-07 03:25:15 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

/r/mde was a hovel of autistics

2019-11-07 03:25:34 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

so are there any of those autistics here that have images of pitbull stats

2019-11-07 03:25:53 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-11-07 03:26:47 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

are u guys these incels and alt whites i keep heariong about on the reddits wow lol, where cna i find your post histories?

2019-11-07 03:27:10 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

sweaty the only white i like is chocolate

2019-11-24 20:43:31 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

dont watch new gangs of youtubers

2019-11-26 14:41:21 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

listen to one of john gattos audiobooks

2019-11-26 14:41:53 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

underground history of american education

2019-11-28 06:50:00 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-11-28 14:53:14 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-11-28 14:55:23 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

what do you boys like to do in minecraft ๐Ÿ““ โœ๏ธ

2019-11-28 14:56:11 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

what are your views on creepers?

2019-11-28 14:56:49 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

someone changed my name to this you gook cunt

2019-11-28 14:58:30 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

your dad made grunts that sounded kinda like it while i was poking his intestines with my mushroom you faggot gook cunt

2019-11-28 14:58:52 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-11-28 14:59:29 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

how good is being a sperge steeped in snark and irony spending your day to day life on discord talking to other autistic faggots like yourself about how niggers are dumb

2019-11-28 14:59:52 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

assuming you're one of those faggots

2019-11-28 15:00:25 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

no i only post on the_donald where i am a moderator and organiser of an israeli-arab relations charity to prove dems are the real racists

2019-11-28 15:00:51 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

atari is for gooks

2019-11-28 15:00:56 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

xbox only in MY house

2019-11-28 15:01:21 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

wow calm down big guy

2019-11-28 15:01:38 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

ease up big fella

2019-11-28 15:01:45 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

calm your farm big man

2019-11-28 15:02:01 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

haha mem me xd

2019-11-28 15:02:24 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

who is your avatar?

2019-11-28 15:02:36 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-11-28 15:02:43 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

i like sultanas

2019-11-28 15:03:05 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

guys i've been lying this whole time

2019-11-28 15:03:09 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

its because my wife is asian sorry

2019-11-28 15:03:42 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

i actually love gooks

2019-11-28 15:03:44 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

its okay

2019-11-28 15:03:59 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

my asian wife just told me i shouldn't let you guys know

2019-11-28 15:04:12 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

vincent i'm sorry i lied to you

2019-11-28 15:04:38 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

we don't celebrate thanksgiving - because shes asian

2019-11-28 15:05:24 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

what is sneed ?? is it a meme, sorry i'm new to this, my asian wife introduced me to it

2019-11-28 15:06:02 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

its ok my favourite roleplayer is skyrim

2019-11-28 15:06:41 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

will you play skyrim with me genesis blast processing?

2019-11-28 15:07:48 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

thanks for letting me know

2019-11-28 15:08:04 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

who is kek?

2019-11-28 15:14:23 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

lol! the hulk is the strongest avenger ๐Ÿคฃ

2019-11-29 18:25:26 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Hey chionophile, can you please tell me what a sneed is

2019-11-29 18:32:45 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Nick fuentes probably has a tumor in his brain. Poor kid. I'll be praying for his tumor.

2019-11-29 18:33:07 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

1 prayer = 1 more tumor cell

2019-11-29 18:44:03 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

My asian wife

2019-11-29 18:46:45 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-11-29 18:50:06 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-11-29 18:50:22 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-12-02 08:26:26 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

chionophile is that image you posted a sneed? in that case nearly everybody in here is a sneed. lol sneeds! haha

2019-12-03 13:41:52 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-12-08 10:05:02 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

@CSPAN trans has a comorbidity with borderline personality disorder to about 60%

2019-12-08 10:06:13 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Sorry, narcissistic personality disorder

2019-12-08 10:06:28 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Results: The frequency of personality disorders was 81.4%. The most frequent personality disorder was narcissistic personality disorder (57.1%) and the least was borderline personality disorder. The average number of diagnoses was 3.00 per patient

2019-12-08 10:07:18 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

The average number of diagnoses was 3.00 per patient.
The average number of diagnoses was 3.00 per patient.
The average number of diagnoses was 3.00 per patient.
The average number of diagnoses was 3.00 per patient.

2019-12-08 10:07:27 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-12-14 20:14:19 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-12-14 20:14:27 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  


2019-12-14 20:19:39 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Please accept narcissistic autistic men who masturbate to the idea of themselves being fucked as a woman or leave western civilisation

2019-12-14 20:20:33 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

Just try to be a good human being

2019-12-14 21:24:23 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

She can buy me some benzos then

2019-12-15 14:35:45 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

i main clockwerk because hes a white robot

2019-12-15 14:36:29 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

but i play him mid because i'm a selfish ex lol player who came back to dota after a decade

2019-12-15 14:36:49 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

should i kill myself? because i play clockwerk mid?

2019-12-15 14:40:54 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

not on my server

2019-12-15 14:46:36 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

mobile games are the moneymaker in china

2019-12-16 11:17:31 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

this guy didn't know the meaning of 'bit on the nose' and is trying to educate you about human evolution

2019-12-16 11:19:38 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

hhaaha self defense mechanism of dismissing you to the other extreme because you mocked me haha excdee was i funny lol

2019-12-16 11:22:17 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

are you glued here

2019-12-16 11:26:35 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

you're talking out of your ass with no real knowledge other what you can recall from years of absorbing posts on pol etc, i don't have to believe "polyamory has ever been prevalent" to say that you dumb faggot, you're reaching for your xd ironic post ironic jokes again but theyre only funny when theyre true

2019-12-16 11:31:06 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

i dont know anybody im just a faggot lurker, im taking the piss out of this guy preaching pol tier knowledge of evolution

2019-12-16 11:37:53 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

if you dont sign up to what im saying you're a poly faggot

2019-12-16 11:38:03 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

probably fuck frogs

2019-12-16 11:39:27 UTC [GRO_A4 0XA4 #promenade]  

the dark knight vhs

173 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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