
Discord ID: 564562498586542128

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How are you?

Doing good.

What are your guys' views?

Pretty bigoted but ok.

Being gay doesn't cause any inherent problem to society, what's your issue?

Valeria, why do you hate LGBT?

On actual shit?


I believe in UBI, free market capitalism, limited government, a strong state, gender and racial equality, I'm a liberal.

If you want to ask me my views on specific things, go ahead.

@pompompiggy So you're far right?

Pomp, you're a bigot. That's unfortunate

The wall was a sub-optimal move, the wall is like medieval tactics

Just get better border security.

>Better border security

Border security that works > medieval wall tactics

>Mfw trump claims to make the economy boom when the US is about to go into recession

Yang gang?

Yang is great.

Yang isn't a commie.

Illegal immigrants are a problem, still a wall wasn't necessary considering more jobs in Mexico are being introduced and their economy is becoming stable.

So Mexicans will go back to Mexico anyway

I'm not a democrat though, they have completely crushed what individualism actually means, and AOC is the new face of the Democratic party, which is even worse.

Also, how can Trump boom the economy when the GDP for the past 2 quarters has been declining? The US is 66% of the way to a recession

Imagine supporting Donald Trump

He is a racist, I'll get into the facts if I need to and is too cocky. Claims the economy is booming, that's very debatable. Let's just talk about the near recession America is heading to.

How many romantic affairs has he had?

How so pomp?

That's straight up bigotry. The problem is that they come illegally, but legal immigrants are fine.

Pomp, that's bigotry. You don't even have a reason to hate them.

Great reasoning.

Nothing to do with race

I love that reasoning.


I think

Where is the Liberal role ;-;

Can we get into a political discussion? Like an actual debate?


Abortion is a complicated one.

Gun control? That's a good one.

2020-02-03 07:11:44 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

mormons are cringe

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