Discord ID: 207121163590172682

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2018-09-03 02:53:15 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Why do so many protties like to ignore what Paul writes in 1 Corinthians

2018-09-03 02:55:26 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

I always like that friends will talk about 'context this' & 'context that', when Paul literally says right after that what he said isn't just opinion, but from God

2018-09-03 03:19:15 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Talking to a mate about it and he brings the fair point that the Corinthian church had issues w/ women, but the language Paul uses is more generalised than it should be if he was talking ONLY to the Corinthians.

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