wtfis juice

Discord ID: 484547320663506954

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2018-08-30 03:07:05 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Thoughts on China Feinstein spy and Hillary server hacked by China?

2018-08-30 03:22:19 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

All good I'll be earlier next time.

2018-08-30 03:26:51 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  


2018-10-06 04:38:23 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

"Never apologize to a mob if you are right" Jordan B. Peterson

2018-10-06 04:40:40 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

He's repped by the biggest Agency in LA. That patreon money must have got to him.

2018-10-06 04:43:00 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Not to say I don't like the majority of his previous stuff. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had a backroom talk to walk back his positions.

2018-10-06 04:45:19 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

True he'll see the error of this sometime. Immediate blowback or later with his patreon being cut in at least half.

2018-10-10 01:18:18 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Nah half of those are bots probably more. Also it's not directed at Jews in particular just people that run international companies that stop nations of their resources and use borderline slave labor. They also promote degeneracy worldwide.

2018-10-10 01:19:03 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

*rob not stop fucking autocorrect

2018-10-10 01:22:04 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Basically it's people that see the lies they have been told and take shit to extreme in reaction to it. Like for example how there were no communists in media/government but 40-50 years later a 3rd of the country fully supports the ideology. Makes people assume there was a nefarious cover-up.

2018-10-10 01:23:27 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

It's why conspiracy theories are such a problem. People have been lied to about so many things worldwide that they can't believe any mainstream source on anything. The gulf of Tonkin. Etc.

2018-10-10 01:29:49 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

4 Chan has pretty much the entirety of human expression on it. From weebs , furries, nutjobs, commies, gore, porn, etc. Us humans are interesting in our absurdities. But if it has been thought of you can probably find it somewhere on 4chan. Hell the 1st time I went on there I saw shit I still remember 5 years later. Be cautious where you go on there. Scarring is an understatement .

2018-10-10 01:32:39 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

You familiar with Kurt cobain? First time on there i saw the outcome of somebody else doing that to themself. Also many photos of the South Africa farm attacks.

2018-10-10 01:33:08 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

True you tell someone not to do something and it's the first thing they are gonna try.

2018-10-10 01:33:30 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Yep shotgun to the face.

2018-10-10 01:35:26 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

They are dumb what they really mean is the bankers who bankrolled both sides of the wars. It just so happens Jews were basically forced into banking. It's not their fault they are good at it.

2018-10-10 01:39:13 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

You gotta put it into perspective. Any website is inundated with sock puppet accounts. 4 Chan has no accounts so bots can post away to affect the outcomes of threads.

2018-10-10 01:43:20 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

To try and put their point of view in acceptable terms. They hate a small minority of people who run banks media governments worldwide. The majority of those people are Jewish in their defense they take a low iq approach and blame them. When in reality it's people of all races religions and nationalities that want to move the world towards some utopian communist order. Though most of those people are Jewish most of them aren't even practicing Jews they are atheists. Actual practicing Jews are more in line with conservatives.

2018-10-10 01:44:46 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

I.e. people are dumb. Always attribute malfeasance to ineptitude before going to malevolence.

2018-10-10 01:48:35 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Jews were forced into banking/lending in the 1800s. Because Christians were not allowed to. So Christians became carpenters and skills based trades. The only jobs left were of the investment lawyer type. Jews acclimated to that and became successful. This caused envy in the Christians because of the wealth accumulated by them.

2018-10-10 01:49:07 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

At least that's what I've read.

2018-10-10 01:53:55 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

They were not allowed to lend money to fellow members of the church so they landed to others. I'm sure some took advantage of this. So by their predatory practices caused their fellow Jews to be blamed for it.

2018-10-10 01:55:42 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

All abrahamic religions banned loaning to members of their own faith with interest therefore Jews couldn't lend to Jews Muslims couldn't lend to Muslims etc.

2018-10-10 01:56:23 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Witch led to a worsening of relations between the two.

2018-10-10 01:56:51 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

They could charge interest to gentiles

2018-10-10 01:57:15 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Yep that's religion for you.

2018-10-10 02:00:37 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Yeah it's not the interest rates per say it's the predatory loan practices. Basically a small minority of bankers back then were doing the modern day equivalent of quicknloan scams. They fucked over the rest of their people for greed. And the German people let themselves be manipulated by their anger.

2018-10-10 02:01:12 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

People are irrational when they are hungry and angry.

2018-10-10 02:03:28 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Yes and no. They had a right to be angry at those few who were ripping people off but had no right to extrapolate that anger to the whole of a people.

2018-10-10 02:07:12 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Yep. It wasn't just Jews many who benefited were German. The sad part is the people to blame for the clusterfuck that was Europe for 40ish years had enough money to get out before shit hit the fan.

2018-11-03 17:31:35 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

A streamer who 5k to 9k views daily whose audience is basically overflow of 4 Chan. Lots of edgy trolling. Had a charity stream that raised 26k for cancer research it got refunded because the people who donated with superchats that had antisemitic messages.

2018-11-03 17:33:59 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

The Wall street Journal wrote an article about them and as they were talking about it on stream they were cut off. They moved channels and were banned again as they were talking about the author of the piece I mean most of them were joking but you never really know.

2018-11-03 17:34:38 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

He got Alex jonesed basically.

2018-11-03 17:36:56 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

They basically held him accountable for the messages his chat posted. Most of them are just people who say edgy shit because people say you aren't allowed to say it

2018-11-03 17:38:54 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

But personally banning people for wrong think just radicalizes them. It validates their perceived persecution.

2018-11-03 17:39:48 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

You can't criticize Jews. They proceed to criticize Jews and immediately get the banhammer.

2018-11-03 17:42:22 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Yeah it's just another example of big Tech influencing the midterms. Banning 1000s of accounts and all that. On another note I've received only dem adds when I don't follow any live on social media.

2018-11-03 17:42:36 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  


2018-11-03 17:43:46 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Yep but muh Russia.

2018-11-03 17:46:00 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Like Oprah is going door to door for the governor's race in Georgia for fucks sake . I've received literal 100s of Stacey Abrams adds and like 5 for Kemp.

2018-11-03 17:48:41 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

I honestly don't believe that many people are stupid enough to vote for borderline communists but I guess we'll find out.

2018-11-03 17:52:21 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

The only way that shit would actually work is every single person in the world had guaranteed housing, income, and food. The amount of people who would have to die for that to occur makes the 20th century look like a joke.

2018-11-03 17:55:55 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Yeah but to even set up a system they think will work they would have to round up the deplorables world wide and reeducate or kill them.

2018-11-03 17:58:27 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

They honestly don't understand human nature. People are flawed an any number of ways.

2018-11-03 18:02:18 UTC [Call-In Show Server #general]  

Exactly. Smart. I'd buy one but as a responsible person I shouldn't have one. I shouldn't have a gun but other people don't need to give up their right because I'm depressed lol.

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