
Discord ID: 388179304636481537

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hi ya'll I finally joined LOL

I doubt it lol

from what I've seen

I'm from Vancouver Island , British Columbia Canada , anyone else in Canada here ?


I love free speech we don't have it here in Canada

or the right to self defend

its a joke in that department

and they also give kids hormone blockers here and I don't like that either


I'm subscribed to sjw central lol

no its disgusting

ya its sick

its child abuse

as far as I"m concerned

you can talk a kid into anything

I'm have two expecting a third possibly tonight

well were two days over due

can i share a screen shot of her

? here ?

its my wife ?

oh you mean there is under cover haters on here ?

I was just going to show how big her belly is lol

that was from a month ago

paypay accounts?

no thats my wife

who is two days due

I was saying I could be having a baby tonight

that's our third

thanks muzzle

hoping for a boy

Have a 3 and 4 year old girls


thanks bri and blackcat

my wife reads to them every night

that's amazing

I sometimes do but I have loads of work everyday

7 days a week almost

thats good

my youngest has a speech therapist also

shes behind

my oldest is ahead

Thanks Pct88

shes really smart and can repeat words but shes just behind


I agree

OUr therapist is freaking joke

sorry I totally agree

she barely spends any time with her, spends it talking to us

I'm going to have to look it up

I honestly don't know what it is LOL

well it was nice talking with everyone I have to step out for a bit ! cheers

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