Just for youtube [NB1]

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do you track your mpg too?

have you timed your commute with "grandma driving" and with your normal driving?

or just your normal driving

and what is the time difference

if there's no traffic and few traffic lights you can save some time by simply driving above the limit

like a freeway

but in town it's nearly impossible to save time without running red lights lol

but on the outskirts of town with long distances between stoplights and little traffic you can definitely save time

like Waze routes?

google maps definitely gives me different routes than waze does

but maybe just in my area



How many people are regularly playing on this server?

I'm asking cause I'd be interested in playing if it's popular


i had this exact same problem a couple months ago

i fixed it and i forget how

I might have known the email but i'm not sure

Same it was like a decade old

I think i did it with just the username and no email

all i know is it was a real bitch to figure out

i forgot how i did it

Oh shit it's 1.13.2

Yup. If they had argued abolishing it 6 years into Obamas presidency it could have had merit

*could have*

Abolishing it outright would benefit the left right now

but that's now

and that whole thing where certain states are going to force all their electoral college votes to vote for whoever won the popular vote can only backfire on them, right now.

OH wow, never would have guessed

After all, orange man bad

How much money was spent on the investigation?

I'm just wondering

I need to see that

What's wrong with Knowles nowadays

popping their balloons validates their hate

the euthenasia thing seems alright to me

if someone wants to kill themself let them imo

but a 17 year old?

that's the part i don't understand

Yea that's what it's designed for

but like i said, imo, if some 30 year old wants to end their life, i don't think they should be forced to live

Yea i understand exactly what you mean

@DJ_Anuz *"what can easily be explained by incompetence"* Many times it cannot be easily explained by incompetence so he assumes they're evil, and rightly so


Initially i thought it meant abortion is torture and i was wondering how the fuck any UN commissioner could think that. Then i realized

Why doesn't cali just do it

Set an example for middle America if it's so great

LOL what

i'm into it

imo they're still not even nazis cause they're not killing people

Yeah I dont think being an overt racist and being in a little clique of 9 or 10 other overt racists makes you a fucking nazi

Sounds like a group of guys that get together on Saturday night for poker but they're also racist

Literally sounds like a group of racists

"Apolitical webstars"

Unironic left memes?

Who's the mentally fragile young men part

yeah i don't even know what they mean by those

you should reconsider your friendship with that person

mmm i try to avoid being friends with a lefty but i'll be acquaintances. If i were friends with a lefty they'd quickly become an acquaintance when i realize how far left they are, it's happened plenty of times

Yall were talking about mandatory carry earlier and how to incentivise carrying without penalizing those that dont. The point made about a tax break for those that carry instead of a tax increase for those that dont is good. Like how insurance companies give you a discount for using a dashcam

Also as little as fire extinguishers matter in this discussion, are they really mandatory in location in the US? I know plenty of people that do not have fire extinguishers.

Bernie "That's a Good Thing" Sanders

That's a code for new homes built

Like cars after 1965 are required to have seatbelts

I do not need extinguishers in my home

Cars *built* after 1965


Theres no sprinklers in my home

I have those red fire extinguishers but I dont know of any law that requires I own them

Or get them checked every year

Like there is at my place of employment

Their extinguishers are checked annually

By the fire dept

I haven't read everything yall said cause I'm at work but it sounds like only 2 states even require sprinklers in new homes?

And cali is one

But that's NEW homes

That's the building code

Like your NEW homes also require studs a certain number of inches apart and proper sewage systems

Like I said my house in the bay area has no sprinklers

They are not mandatory

Damn right you do

Tsk tsk indeed

Like I said

To my knowledge each household is not required to have a fire extinguisher

If they are, none of them are kept up to date

Either way

You cannot negligently discharge a fire extinguisher

It does not have the same amount of importance as a firearm

When your kid brings a fire extinguisher to school because he wants to be a fireman, everything is okay

When your kid brings a gun to school because he wants to be a police officer, all is not okay

I know too many people that can't even safely drive a car to think that everyone should be required to carry a firearm

I'll concede and give you the fact that every home is required to have an up to date fire extinguisher in California so you dont have to waste the fire department's time

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