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2019-02-26 15:14:20 UTC [Freedomฯ†Club #sign-in-sign-out]  

2019-02-26 15:22:08 UTC [Freedomฯ†Club #science-math-tech]  

I think I've seen a similar video before

2019-02-26 15:42:21 UTC [Freedomฯ†Club #science-math-tech]  

another rare set of colours is violets, purples, and magentas
I think it has to do with
1. blue light scatters making water and air appear blue [actually a mix of scattered violet and blue, and diffused white light]
2. red light travels the farthest in water and air, second orange, third yellow, fourth green, fifth blue, seventh indigo, eighth violet
[purple, pinks and magentas are a hallucination caused by the presence of red-blue light, red-violet, red-blue-violet in the absence of any orange, yellow or green light ]
2. Life and eyes originally evolved in water, where red and orange light travels the farthest, and viewing distance is significantly shorter than air
3. most biological pigments originally evolved as camouflage. colours near the red part of the spectrum would have evolved first
4. until blue sensitive cones evolved in eyes, blue and violets would have just appeared as grey or white, while purples, pinks and magentas would just appear as a lighter shade of red.
most animals can only see one or two ranges of colours, or are completely colour-blind
humans are one of the few that have 3 or more ranges of colour.
if most animals can't see blue, there isn't much reason to evolve an actual blue pigment.

2019-02-26 15:46:55 UTC [Freedomฯ†Club #science-math-tech]  

no the video said some animals do have a true blue pigment but it's rare,
most just use light scattering, like blue eyes, most butterfly wings, most feathers
use clear physical structures to mimic the scattering of light in water

2019-02-26 15:48:32 UTC [Freedomฯ†Club #science-math-tech]  

only blue flowers, no blue fruit,
blueberries are actually purple

2019-02-26 16:03:47 UTC [Freedomฯ†Club #science-math-tech]  

Mammals also got the short end of the colour palette
fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, arthropods - all have red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, brown, white, grey, black
mammals - Black, Brown, Tan, White - 4 colours all the same part of palette.
[Albino, Red, orange, blond caused by mutation][blue green eyes caused by mutation]
mammals basically got hit with the ugly stick when they originally evolved off of reptiles

does he take requests for what to chug ?

2019-03-01 21:30:29 UTC [Freedomฯ†Club #science-math-tech]  

if everyone is so sure the world will end in 12 or more years
why aren't we focussing on building Gravitic Technology
and mining all of the planets to build a fleet of Ark colony starships
and then siphoning the hydrogen and helium from the sun to power their fusion reactors.

if we are worried about the earth's core flipping the earth's magnetic field
why don't we build two electromagnetic field stations ?
One on the coast of Antarctica and northern coast of Europe or Russia.

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