
Discord ID: 361223965508763668

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2020-01-17 04:08:59 UTC [Stupid Idiot #new-fag]  

is this the circle jerking friendship zone

2020-01-17 04:11:10 UTC [Stupid Idiot #new-fag]  

are you gonna mail bombs in the mail and live inna woods?

be tree ornament cum hang with me

you can be the string to my ornament

im a real estate agent so i have to socialize

it kinda is and then sometimes itd really boring

i was talking to this dude today who was trying to sell his mothers house

I asked him if his name was on the deed and title

he said no his mothers name is

I asked him where his mother was

dude was trying to sell his mothers house without her knowing...

he looking like one of those types that kill you for life insurance lmao

tfw when you arent a nigger so they kick you

but no skeed and me where fucking around

whats up circle jerk friendship zone

you wanna give me white blood cells?<:monkaS:511746507494391819>

where jew pepe when you need him

how much you gonna pay mixim

cut it off and cook it in the oven

Thats minecraft<:Pinhead:512241776929669145>

new season about to start

its the west coast that isnt

idk/ forgot the right word that isnt nip

anyway the best way to figure out a states economy is through housing

how cheap are your cheapest house

@caf so a worn down ghetto the house would be 130K

here it would be around maybe 80K

Id have to go on my MLS to see

you can rent a house for 1200-1400 here

im just a dirty real estate jew <:JewLol:511749080247173120>

tfw dont get the inside jokes

if its inside why would ik



when you do tell em to put you in the celling instead of the basement

"very small"
if its smol it doesnt have stopping power

how many normal ppl load their gun with hollows tho

actually it dpends on your fat ratio too

more fat to go through less damage

why not just get greyhound?

they always look so weird the first time you see them in person

nah not mix just a offf breed of grey hound like whipple

ima go nextflix and chill by myself

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