Discord ID: 265340171363287040
32 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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Awe someone dont like me
Which ones
I'll hunt them all for sport
You can place bets
I know microwave technician, also known as scuba
Could kill him
Sent it by letter mail to a random address hoping it was you
Fuck the federal government
I'm actually reverse undercover and trying to entrap federal agents into stepping
I only glow cause the radio active elements I've eaten
I'm having a cunt of time with this krink
I've gone rogue
>having freedom and cool shit is cringe
Nah battle jesus is a fed
At least you dont have him here
>spreading the word of liberty and freedom is bad and makes you fed
I'm not sure if Alberta is the 51st or 52nd state
I own 2 aks
Would have to be a mighty short rope
Get rekt nigger
Just checking what cuck states I'm banned from, saw boogaloo boys and thought I'd pop in
32 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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