
Discord ID: 538365423985491969

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I hurt.

Help me.

Rip, hh

So, men have perfect lives, anyone wanna help me out with something (duded only)

Dm me if you wanna help

I dropped out in 2nd grade

Someone dm me, I need freinds

My snake hasn't eaten in 9 days, she's ANGRY

Bad dragon dildo

I have very few freinds


Someone hmu, porn isn't helping my problems ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

No ๐Ÿคฃ

I just want someone too talk too

Cuz I have no friends

@maliah โฅ okay ๐Ÿ˜

Dick pics are too much work, I just saved one of them

So I can just send the same one, iq 1000


@Suko good idea

Actually tho, if anyone want too text me dm mee, I'm actually a lonely fuck with a rabbit as a best friend

I also have a ball python and a leopard gecko

Yes, ive got 2 dogs and a cat

My cats prego

Frank sanatra

I have large coochi, hmu

Weird quistion but, you peeps got any hot friends that are female and between the ages of 13-16, I need someone willing too shove a hot pocket down my throat, very forcefully

@Blinky Dorf I think it's necessary

@maliah โฅ if your actually down, I'll pay


@Coppertine because I'm also a young person and it's a fetish of mine

@Coppertine no? ๐Ÿคฃ I'm 14?

@Coppertine where does it say I'm 19?

"yOuR 19 rIgHt" wtf bro? Who the fuck said I was 19?

@Coppertine oh shit, must run

Bigger, I'm Indonesian

@FestiveRofox(Bask) I would disagree, where I live if actually say it's harder to be white, as I live in a black community I actually am discriminated against for being white

New movie tittle "when the chat gets political"

Yes sir

Add my Xbox account if you wanna play Minecraft @johngroves106

Someone hmu, I need friends

You can edit stuff u have already typed

Just happened, real talk


Slavery is over m8

Yes, same

Girlfriend is gay

Imagine having a 3+ inch pp


I hate people that hate people

I'll donate too the cause



Thirsty people's

I've been here since the big bang

My mom left me at a young age

My grandpa doesn't like me cuz I'm concervative, now he beats me and yells Bernie sanders


65 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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