
Discord ID: 546510049170817044

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hey man

really ?

what's a pfp ?

ah I had it laying around

I didn't make it

have no idea

could be some new retro stuff

so quite a few rules

for this server

why are discord servers so restrictive ?

so where would I find more freedom ?

internet relay chat ?

that's ironic

so any talk here

got it

wasn't that a mosque ?

I don't get why it had arabic text on his weapons

anybody got that german song he was playing ?

sounded pretty rad

well pretty sure it says right there in the coran

"you must conquer ur enemies " or something

what ? "turn the other cheek " ?

yeah pretty fucked up

dude is this server conspiracy light ?

look what it says on the weapon mate

anyway did u guys read this ?



why did u delete



this isn't about shooting

this is about an earthquake

at the same church some while ago

u tool

ur a fucking tool

well it's censored here like crazy

because apparently people can[t handle the truth

I rather be erased

ah well

so sad

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