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My problem with women is not unlike my coworker in the next office

My coworker is talking to his wife on the phone, I can hear him, he is trying to calmly explain to her to stop being hysterical

She calls him all the time and just bitches at him when he is trying to put food on her table

Defrance, Visiting a nail factory (18th century)

@Moad well the fraternity is found every where

If you like hanging with old dudes, freemasonry is for you.

It's a very good personal accomplishment for me




You need to get it from thoth

@jmack IMO it tastes like shit and doesn't do much for me, but my chem resist is way too fucking high, you can get a decent buzz off kratom, if you like hydrocodone you probably like kratom

Abraham Lincoln was a crisis actor

I wanted to do rituals but nooooo


no, its just gf is an attention whore

@Cursed what do you want and on what time scale?

๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ok_hand shane shane shane sunglasses sunglasses sunglasses sunglasses owl que cross based regional_indicator_g reeee feet point_up_2 owl wink regional_indicator_g smile_cat japanese_goblin ghost zzz scream rage unamused confused bath bow_and_arrow hourglass hourglass_flowing_sand level_slider stopwatch fax alarm_clock newspaper2 notebook notebook newspaper track_next free womens cinema no_smoking sparkle fleur_de_lis low_brightness high_brightness no_mobile_phones do_not_litter no_entry_sign anger hotsprings ideograph_advantage u55b6 u6708 u5272 u7a7a gemini menorah yin_yang cross 100 dagger crossed_swords shield smoking skull_crossbones gear dollar money_with_wings money_with_wings money_with_wings money_with_wings candle electric_plug

@Cursed putting that all on one good dude?

@Cursed "unretard my woman" is actually a really good application to magic, I will be developing something for this as I too have troubles

Then what's the fuss over nothing

did you guys watch the CIA Satanic Finders cult?

a nigloo might be fun to live in

he probably evolved an extra thumb

Jew Gematria 597 which means "Three Six", "Enemy of God", "clock of lucifer on mecca"

Also an odd result "barack and a bucket of

@Cursed didn't you get the memo? The call?

Hermes to hear, Dionysus to touch, Pan to behold.

A Virgin, A Babe, and a Beast!

A Liar, an Idiot, and a Master of Men!

A kiss, a guffaw, and a bellow; he that hath ears to hear, let him hear!

Take ten that be one, and one that is one in three, to conceal them in six!

Thy wand to all Cups, and thy Disk to all Swords, but betray not thine Egg!

"And when, invoking often, thou shalt see
That formless Fire; when all the earth is shaken,
The Stars abide not, and the moon is gone,
All Time crushed back into Eternity,
The Universe by earthquake overtaken; Light is not, and the thunders roll,
The World is done:
When in the darkness Chaos rolls again
In the excited brain:
Then, O then call not to thy view that visible
Image of Nature; fatal is her name!
It fitteth not thy Body to behold
That living light of Hell,
The unluminous, dead flame,
Until that body from the crucible
Hath passed, pure gold!
For, from the confines of material space,
The twilight-moving place,
The gates of matter, and the dark threshold,
Before the faces of the Things that dwell
In the Abodes of Night,
Spring into sight
Demons, dog-faced, that show no mortal sign
Of Truth, but desecrate the Light Divine,
Seducing from the sacred mysteries.
But, after all these Folk of Fear are driven
Before the avenging levin
That rives the opening skies,
Behold that formless and that Holy Flame
That hath no name;
The Fire that darts and flashes, writhes and creeps
Snake-wise in royal robe
Wound round that vanished glory of the globe,
Unto that sky beyond the starry deeps,
Beyond the Toils of Time, - then formulate
In thine own mind, luminous, concentrate,
The Lion of the Light, a child that stands
On the vast shoulders of the Steed of God:
Or winged, or shooting flying shafts, or shod
With the flame-sandals.
Then, lift up thine hands!
Centre thee in thine heart one scarlet thought
Limpid with brilliance of the Light above!
Drawn into naught
All life, death, hatred, love:
All self concentred in the sole desire -
Hear thou the Voice of Fire!"

I pray that you read Liber Samekh Theurgia Goetia Summa Congressus Cum Daemone) Sub Figura DCCC

@everyone We got a full moon, we got a damn Beaver Moon. So what better a time than 7:10 PM the hour of the moon to control female influences in our lives? Bring girl problems. That's 10 minutes from now.

@0099 it's a matter of word of mouth, and what you are drawn to

I was retarded for taking out student loans

I did a fiver gig for love ritual

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