big fat memes

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After the dictatorship of the proletariat successfully abolishes all vestiges of capitalism a city-state would be rendered unnecessary because there will no longer be a social class that needs to be oppressed. And therefore state-issued money, or fiat currency, simply won't exist.

"Communism is a socio-economic structure that promotes the establishment of a classless, stateless society based on common ownership of the means of production."

staggering argument

what's the difference between national bolsheviks and strasserites

what's your reasons for being a nationalist? cultural, racial, economic?

not knocking it, just wondering

That's fair enough, as long as the tradition you want changed is the economic one

if you are from a poor background you cannot be rightist

homoeroticism is genuinely interlinked with fascism for some reason

read about that japanese author

whatever his name was

mitsubishi or sumin

the SA in general was like the leftist side of the NSDAP anyway

which is why Hitler made a deal with porky to purge them

then Hitler reprivatised everything after literally using the entirety of the leftist side to actually get in just to backstab them

i really hope one day some obscure third position ideology appears in an economically depressed country and uses "its not real capitalism" arguments to get in and use an-cap hooligans to destroy opposition

then stabs all the righties in the back when it gets power

you won't even get to keep your toothbrush

we're going to make a communist society with islamic characteristics and matriarchal fascist technocracy

made me laugh but only because he's a meme

polpot was a giant shitpost

it's an oriental nation

look at how nationalist they are already

literally impossible to seperate and de-spook them from nationalism at this current time

tfw no mixed race qts

what spark of life lmfao

>oh no solidarity is happening help

why dont you want your country to go away

do you actually have feelings for your country honestly speaking or do you care more about the specific city or village that you're in

and if you do then isn't it just because of the community you're surrounded with?

most people's way of life and culture is pretty damn similar

depends on the time period

anyway the distinction there is religion

there will still be areas

like the middle east will still most likely be majority muslim geographically

to be fair, islam is split between different sects

which explains cultural differences between different islamic states

read it

read about Zakat

lgbt has become too noxious recently in the wrong countries in which they have actually already succceeded

it's gone on too long and is far too concerned about idpol

>pride parades

who actually cares tho

about what htey look like and dress

they might look visually unappealing but that doesn't really equate to killing them lmfao

i genuinely swear the biggest stigma towards these movements is simply because idpol don't have a very neat fashion sense and wear stuff like baggy trousers from the 90s which apparently equates to absolute degeneracy

like the vast majority of anti sjw stuff is showing pictures of people with purple hair

purple hair will destroy the west

purple haired socialism with baggy trousers characteristics


we want to abolish the value form anyway so who carees

capitalism sucks

national socialism is literally just a meme ideology

if you had said fascism then fair enough

at least fascism is somewhat comprehensible as an ideology

natsoc is divided between strasserites and right-wing natsocs anyhow

strasserites aren't so bad

right wing natsocs are scum

because they're capitalist traitors

stabbed the SA in the back

Nazbols, Strasserites and in a way Fascism (Mussolini's corporatist system certainly gets close to socialism in a lot of ways) are part of /leftracism/ gang

it's syndicalism

just mussolini's system was from the top down

it is

state capitalist then

but fascism is based off georges sorel

>one quote by the benito man

i can also show a quote where he calls himself a socialist

I do read theory

Read counter theory

read gentile and the like

read him

read giovanni gentile, georges sorel and read about gabrielle d'annuzio

you should learn your enemy tho

it's good to be informed at least

it isn't a good ideology at all

but it's one you should know about regardless and not at a textbook level

it's like when righties say "socialism is when the state does stuff"

again it's a simplistic explanation

it's not a waste of time to know your enemy inside out

Well apart from anything else "capitalism in crisis" could be used to describe a platitude of different ideologies

but it doesn't take it away completely

it compromises like socdems

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