Call of Cthulu

Discord ID: 600869269428895744

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Hail victory everyone.

There's no national socialist role. Boo.

Alright, there we go. I have roles.

I have a topic of discussion for everyone.

Are strasserists left wring or right wing?

On the one hand, I think that workers should seize the means of production and am generally in favor of State intervention to improve the lives of native workers.

On the other hand, I'm also a literal Nazi.

Is that left or right?

Right wingers tend to be in favor of big massive government when it comes to war and moralizing legislation.

Which, to be sure, I'm also in favor of war and moralizing legislation.

I think that we should conquer every last muslim society and force them to convert.

I don't care what they convert to.

Just so long as they convert.

As a general rule, I am in favor of removing every element that oppresses the native Aryan worker.

Whether it be capitalism






The Jew is a huckster. His earthly religion is trade. His earthly God is money.

I'd like to gauge the political opinions of the people here.

Are you generally for or against:

Medicare for all

A Green New Deal

A federal job gaurantee

Ethnic cleansing?

Jews and muslims

M-84 strikes me as massively right wing. Harumph.

Ok, ok, last chance. Are you at least in favor of encouraging women to return to the home?

Yes, absolutely.

To every man a shovel, to every woman a kitchen.

Hail victory everyone.

Did you see what I wrote or was it autodeeted?

The raging homosexual trannie muted me so I yeeted myself from the server.

Apparently, HE didn't appreciate the fact that I said that all transgender people should be consigned to concentration camps and ghettos.

I'm telling you, man.

Nazis are the most oppressed group on earth.

Especially on the internet.


Collective interest > individual interest

Every force which oppresses the native Aryan worker must be overcome, whether it be capitalism, transgenderism, feminism, the Jew, the Muslim, etc.

And really, it would be so easy to rid ourselves of the Jews.

All we have to do is ban circumcision and the private loaning at interest.

They'd flee in droves.

Jews do run everything.

That's just an empirical fact.

No, not literally every capitalist is a Jew.

But capitalists disproportionately are Jews.

And the Jew disproportionately is a capitalist.

That is why to be a socialist is to be an anti-Semite.

Judaism and capitalism are the same thing.

Yes, absolutely.

If you want to get rid of crime, eradicate poverty, but also maximize employment.

Eradicating poverty isn't enough.

Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

We must create an industrial army. #FederalJobGaurantee

Every man must take up his shovel and contribute to the Fatherland.

We can do green industry

We can have a federal job guarantee with tons of jobs for people just planting tons and tons of trees.

Fucking. Trees. Bitch.

We can have an agricultural army of formerly unemployed working men to plant trees like a motha fucka.

Also, in my opinion, we should completely get rid of foreign aid.

And replace it with subsidized foreign vacations for native workers.

Trees would create so many jobs.

We can have people to plant the trees

We could have people to cut down the trees.

We could have people to turn the trees into wooden planks to build concentration camps.

It would be tremendous.

We could force the people in the concentration camps to clean the oceans.

On wooden ships

Made out of wood from the trees

I'm still unclear on this.

Does incel simply mean unable to get laid.

OR does it mean the whiny internet people on the internet who complain about how they can't get laid and it's all the womens' fault?

I'm not an incel

But I think still we should have state mandated gfs.

Gamers of the world unite!

We have nothing to lose but our steam accounts!

State mandated 3d waifus for everyone.

There's no such thing as a femcel

There's only women who have their standards way too fucking high.

We can't pretend to be a server bot?

Is that even a thing?

Homosexuals are disgusting and a corruptive influence on our society.

They should be sent to gaytos and concentration camps.

Homosexuality is Jewish propaganda.

There is no homosexuality apart from the Jew. The Jew created homosexuality to undermine the Aryan.

The Nazis know a thing or two about cleansing.

Chief is a filthy libertarian.


Capitalists who don't own capital are cuckolds.

Capital is what allows the profiteering capitalist class to create wage slaves.

Including women.

Women are the most primordial form of capital.

Which is why we should also seize the means of reproduction and put women back in the home.

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