
Discord ID: 217788332111822859

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@buyXRBpls ok then why does it matter


private conversation

if it was a private conversation you have even less of a reason to care. @buyXRBpls

plus hes not just a rich guy

he's successful.

"I don't care, he's just sexist"

Is this what society is today?

THat's exactly what people here in the bay area say

Except like

ten times worse.

@buyXRBpls He's not just some rich dude. He's a successful buisnessman and real estate investor

He turned 1 million dollars into 10 billion

@buyXRBpls that just makes him even more successful


got a mil to spare?

Why the fuck are you mad at trump for investing in real estate

jesus christ

and his dad didnt get a headstart


@Arch_NME lets keep thispolitical and not religious

im a white kid

but im catholic

am i a gud buy


i already have @America Billiards but i got out of it


anyway can we go back to arguing.

so what are we arguing about

anyone a flat earther?

back to trump?

i mean theres not much anymore to say

I don't think it's that bad but ok,



deporting legals?

he's deporting legals out of states, not out of the US.


the stock market is going great my dood

i said that too soon

its gonna crash tommorow

but that wont effect me

so hEY!

but you know to be fair guys

hes not that big of a politician

so thats probably why hes not the best president

but as a buisnessman hes pretty kewl

he eat micky diabeetus



I mean thats why i have to support him

or well

i like him better than other candidates

cause hillary is just a fucking war pig

i mean trumps doing pretty good atm so i dont think hes doing too bad

i dont think we should get too mad at him since

you know

hes only been in office for 2 years

stock market is fucking amazing atm

unenployment rate lower since 1920s

shit like that

how the fuck you know

obama was a good president tbh

@Arch_NME dont jinx it

the only reason its not going good is because you know


Shoot commies not classmates


well trump cant do shit about the race riots either

i mean

theyre all just fucking retards

we have?

i thought it was the opposite

blacks are saying theyre gonna get shot when they walk outside. which no one thinks and now whites are afraid of it for no reason

the unarmed man attacked

blacks kill more white people than white people kill black people

those are the stats

well police brutality can exist

@buyXRBpls oh hell naw

i need me my wine

i live in napa, california

so all here theres vinyards surrounding my house

more drugs are illegal than alchahol

plus i live in california

so weed is legal

im talking illegal drugs

dont do that

thats stupid



my dad prefers weed over vape

im not vaping any time soon

im pretty fucking racist

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