
Discord ID: 277800923726610432

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like I said

I gotta go

I don't have time to argue with you no matter what I show you, you're gonna repeat the same garbage

*What did they cause it too stop raining*

National Bolshevism is on the same level of retardation as Anarcho Fascism

The closest you get to "National Bolshevism" is really just Strasserism

@Gromp Imagine bashing historical revisionism and also denying Stalin's policies caused the Holodomor


Imagine calling yourself a National Bolshevik when you are just a Marxist who believes in race

Its so sad and pathetic seeing people who actually believe in that trash

Stalin somewhat believed in race so I suppose he is a National Bolshevik

Original Marxism didn't incorporate humanism?

ex dee

Im doing a thunk rn

I care not anyway

I dont even really care about this anyway there isnt a point in arguing

the way I see it Marxists and "National Bolsheviks" alike deserve the same end

the way I see it Marxists and "National Bolsheviks" alike deserve the same end

discord is dying rn

discord is dying rn

What are you then?

*Shakes hand*

Imagine *Technocrats*

In a *Theocratic State*

*Imagine Theocratic States in general*

God cant tell you what to do

God certainly didn't give us the pope

maybe god started the war in eastern Ukraine

but I dont know, you might have to give him a call

@The Desert Fox V Im aware, but he isn't

I also don't believe Stepan Bandera was a theocrat

Imagine not supporting class collaboration

also fascism isnt necessarily esoteric that is a fallacy

Classes are inevitable for the simple fact that some people will be luckier or more skilled than others

so the best solution is to have the work together

not an endless struggle in the way of unity

not to say capitalism is absolutely perfect, because it clearly isnt

just to say that socialism (especially marxist/engels socialism) Is even more flawed in many policies

Also lastly imagine liking Stalin and calling yourself a Ukrainian

Thanks stalin for that 5 year plan!

1. Age: 19
2. Sex: Male
3. Race: Caucasian
3.: Religion: Agnostic
4. Country: USA
5. Political Ideology: National Socialism
6. Definition of Fascism: A system in which there must be Unity above all else, and where there is a strong Hierarchy in both nature and in Government
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Homosexuals, Jews, White Nationalism: Alt-Right are sometimes libertarian idiots sometimes alright but generally not extreme enough. Trump is a shill, but good for the rise of extremism. I used to feel strong patriotism but I realized that the the US needs to be torn down to be reborn into something new. Free market capitalism is Jewish, but capitalism generally isn't and there are good things about it. Homosexuals are disgusting and deserve to be sieged. White Nationalism was the bases from which all of my beliefs extended from so Its good.
8. Who are your heroes? Adolf Hitler, George Lincoln Rockwell, Nietzsche, George Washington (I have good reasons for that), James Mason
9. What books you've read to shape your views: Mein Kampf, Siege, The Turner Diaries, The Lightning and the Sun, On the Genealogy of Morality, White Power, This Time The World
10. Are you physically active: Somewhat, whilst I have a desirable weight I only workout a couple times a week and I don't go to public gyms because im not a faggot, and I don't want to see Natives and Niggers all the time.
11. Have you ever had a girlfriend: Not a serious relationship
12. Give a brief bio of yourself, nothing self-incriminating, don't try to show off, and keep it short. We want to know if you're a sperg or not: I hate Niggers and im 6' 2" thats about it
13. Where you got the invite: Europa Rising
14: What do you think of normies/lemmings/NPCs? Gay
Now let me in <:Swasti:672636918231597056>


im White

and proud

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