
Discord ID: 316363874846900225

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I had a dream I went to a candy store that sold dolphin poo

chainsaw abortion is gud

Wolfy the kitchen witch

my partner added me in this new Mexican recipe group on fb and I'm lowkey tryna learn everything I can so I can make a bunch of new Mexican food for him ♥

that's supper cute

stay on brand with the black, yo

shit server full of retards lol

I don't like mushrooms (food) because they're always made bland here so they just taste like penis. I feel like they'd be good if they were spiced, tho?? is that a thing people do?

I figured they had a tofu-like role in absorbing flavors bit contributing none of their own

I like penis, just not fried penis

I tried learning guitar to impress a girl once. learned to play the ocarina instead. its stupid easy but people are still impressed. bitches love instruments B)

I can play Zelda's lullaby from memory

yeah that's what I have. capella gave it to me

I have tabs so I can play any song I know the melody to

you can fuck me with some country style crockpot Mac and cheese

casseroles are the shit, man

my dad made the best chicken casserole before I became vegetarian

u know what's really my #1: fucken ramen noodle with a runny egg

I don't know how I ate ramen for 23 years without egg

I fucken love onions

oh I just make a soft boiled egg. slice it with my chopsticks and let the egg juice make the broth all rich and good

I step away for one measly eon and there's botspam in general

clean ur own dogshit

crows use tools to:3

dolphins consent for u

33 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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