
Discord ID: 533599024553394186

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There will never be compromise

I can not bear to hurt you

come in your numbers in my direction

I'm gonna fuck all of you

I'm not gonna do anything until I'm free of everything

I'm a server myth no doubt

I am a Lion against a herd of adolescent oxen

you really are a bunch of autists

but that doesn't mean anything about who i am

anything you think of as weakness can be practically categorized as naivety

You are the embodiment of naivety

you are no comparison to what I am going to become

If the chat quality falls drastically I'm going to leave

Give heil and salutations to the revanchist of Szichuan

take advantage of your grandparents

BC that is in the norths right

I wipe my ass with maple leaves

they have great absorption qualities

i like the blade runner soundtrack

i guess it's time to pack up

they're colluding against me

I don't accept input from people who don't frequent this chat

oh wow you're a stud dadmin

okay if you want me out of the server

where is that picture of you looking like a female

I'm saying if you mute me

you'll be practically forcing me to quit

by all intents and purposes

wolfy i want to stick my dick in your mouth

im not invested in this server i quit for a long time

i only rejoined because Twisted Mental reinvited me

Once you take my dick in your mouth

my finger slipped in your ass

I am Hermes Trannymegistus

I'd smite satan if I wanted

I just keep him around because he adds color to the deities

I put him out like I jizz on your mother

Come let me rest the inside of my hand on your cheek

Right after I move it with such kinetic force

That I change your sexual orientation to straight

yeah if you can't really do anything to a man that's a man you can't even hurt him despite if he curses your fucking mother

i mean i shat on you and you cant do anything

i dont even get what youre saying

but if you have something to say

and keep in mind you talked shit about me first

i'm having a conversation

Falls you can't define my sexual orientation through chat

1,056 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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