Azum Bazin Vulgan Moras

Discord ID: 487772358350733312

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You're far if you still call them dimensions ๐Ÿ˜„

atleast be real, call them planes, and yes the 6th plane sounds like quite something given the 5th is the divine plane.

In the context the person was speaking, they were speaking of Planes, Spacial Dimensions are another subject ofcourse.

to be a person don't you have to be fully alive?

there would be strong attempts to shut that shit down, since I've suffered from such strong attempts ๐Ÿ™‚

But those who try to shut it down are weaker than it.

Gate StormerToday at 4:02 PM
I am one person, but I can take in as many roles and skills and permutations as i can manage to integrate over a life time.

I drink lethal doses of alcohol regularly...

i undergo severe liver failure and damage each time

My psychosis is only bad if someone attacks/hurts me intentionally

@Lucipher many genius's realize in their lifetimes, that being stupid can be fun sometimes.

Yknow the brain needs some time off sometimes

i have this super-duper nuclear reactor, i can't sleep if i don't sedate it lol

@Lucipher Look at it this way : Gotta be stupid in something to be smart in something else ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Lucipher Ahh too bad that doesn't work with undeath

@Lucipher I'm going to have fun with you, little mind.

@Lucipher I say all the dumb shit that crosses through my head and people find me smart for it lol

๐Ÿค” Can't say my stupidity isn't clever though.

ehhh I'd rather more significant charged shit

considering i paid 0$ for a rhinoceros horn, worth 65k/kg

@Lucipher Unless the olympic champion happened to be a Master or above in spirituality, worthless.

Yes, I.E., atleast 1 mastery or grandmastery

@Lucipher Nah, I just have to respect the rarity of my altar.

so basically low quality stuff is off the table, and only High Quality makes it in.

that's the kind of Rare/Quality i seek.

And I'll be the next djinn, since I'm setting that one free.

If it were a true story, and infact might be based on one, when aladdin releases the djinn, aladdin would take the djinns place.

And since this lamp is 100% Unique, and no copies of it can even be found on internet.

The djinn in that lamp could as well be, The Aladdin.

Infact in 1 year it turned my Altar into a cave of wonders

rhino horn, obsidian, tigers eye, fire opal, apatite, selenite...

You ain't never had a friend like me ๐Ÿ˜‰

and in case none of you can properly read energies, yes I'm female.

@Crippled Cupid You could be directly hostile instead of sarcastic

I bring a stuffed owl at poker all the time

@Agwe No but i could probably gain some if i wanted to

You'd have to be open to the possibility of truth in aladdins story

theres a organ heart on my altar for a reason ๐Ÿ˜‚

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