
Discord ID: 297568143013052418

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2017-04-05 14:19:03 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I went around town in a rabbit suit once.

2017-04-05 14:21:34 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I just uploaded my rabbit suit pic.

2017-04-05 14:23:04 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Thanks. I still have it in the closet.

It is a legit skull.

I put it on top of my mannequin.

When I was in high school my boyfriend was like my brother has a real skull, you want it, and I was like hells yeah!

I didn't have any trouble bringing it on the flight to Japan in my carry on.

From America.

Some is, some isn't.

Counts as what?

Yeah, you probably don't want to have to buy a ton of louis vuitton hand bags.

Japanese girls will want you to buy them for them.

Yeah, everyone seems to have them, regardless of the female's age.

But on the upside if you got married you'd probably be able to cheat on her any time you wanted.

It's kinda the norm around here.

The sister of one of my friends was having an affair with a married man, she got knocked up so he dumped his wife and married her.

If it wasn't for all the cheating, or desire to cheat, or attempts to cheat there would probably be a lot of businesses that would go out of business.

If people wanted to shower affection on their wives instead of other women hostess clubs and love hotels would see a sharp drop in customers.

lol I've had a guy come on to me like right in front of his wife and she was like oh I'm so sorry my husband is coming on to you, and I was like no sweat off my back, man.

My dead husband's sister got married, but still ending up spending a lot of her time at her parents house because being married was boring or something along those lines.

A lot of times they want a white person as a trophy foreigner or for free English lessons.

46, don't be sorry, turned out to be for the best, he was a psychopath.

Despite my pleas to family, doctors, and police, I was always told he couldn't be institutionalized against his will, which I think is BS and they were just being lazy.

Abuse, throwing things, breaking things, kicking the cat for looking at him wrong and demanding the cat apologize to him, lots of stuff.

If I ever left the apartment and went to the park down the block to get away from a fight he would call the police on me.

He was drunk all the time and blamed all his problems on everything except alcohol, alcohol was "never a factor" in anything he did.

He refused to get a job so I got one just so I could get away from him for at least part of the day.

Not really, he hid is psycho before we got married, after we moved in the amount of things I did (clean, cook, shop, etc..) slowly dwindled to nothing because I was really hating him. I was actually in the process of trying to think of ways to Gaslight him to drive him over the edge so he would absolutely have to be institutionalized when he killed himself. It was neither love nor fear, it was more like I had no friends or family in the country and not enough money of my own to just up and leave and the police even told me I couldn't go to a shelter because they were already full with people worse off than me.

2017-04-06 05:02:48 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #selfies]  


2017-04-06 12:55:41 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Will it ring if you e-mail it?

2017-04-06 13:05:38 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Man, I wish I had a TARDIS.

2017-04-06 13:09:14 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

In what kind of job?

2017-04-06 13:18:27 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I uaed to work as a cashier at a gas station. I really liked it. Back then the minimum wage was like $3.65 an hour, so I worked like 60~80 hours a week.

2017-04-06 13:23:51 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Can you do stuff like answer ads in the paper for babysitting, dog walking, pet sitting, things that you'd get paid in cash and the govt wouldn't know about so you could get a little extra money?

2017-04-06 13:30:02 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I used to have a job, it was 900 yen an hour but I had to quit it, I get more money on welfare than I did at that job.

2017-04-06 13:32:50 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I get like at least $200 more a month on welfare than I did when I had a job.

2017-04-06 13:33:48 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Here they just auto-deposit a lump sum in your bank account at the start of the month.

2017-04-06 13:39:14 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

The wording in some of the part time job ads here is weird, I remember one that was basically like this job is good for women because it starts late enough for you to be able to make breakfast for your family and ends early enough for you to do grocery shopping and make dinner for your family.

2017-04-06 13:47:41 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I had like 30k in debt in the US back in 2003, but I left the country and after my dad died my mom said she couldn't make the payments anymore, so I probably would have had some problems if I hadn't left the country.

2017-04-06 13:48:34 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Credit cards.

2017-04-06 13:49:25 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I don't want to pay the TV tax here so I don't have my TV cable attached.

2017-04-06 13:54:06 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I've got 2 different names now, dunno how that'll work out if I have to go back to the states.

2017-04-06 13:55:12 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

My US name on my social security card and stuff is Sharon Ryan, but the name on my passport and all my Japanese ID is Mari Tanaka.

2017-04-06 13:58:42 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

When I got a new passport at the consulate with my new name after I got married, they sent me a form to change my social security info, but they didn't include an envelope or address to send it to so I just never sent it.

2017-04-06 14:01:13 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Yeah, but it's been so long, I'd rather just wait for when I have to go to the states (like when my mom dies) to go to the offices in person.

2017-04-06 14:05:26 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I'm sure part of it is just immigration officials being dicks because they hate their job and now they have a "good" excuse to be dicks to people.

2017-04-06 14:13:31 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

My mom is such a cunt. She complains about not having a lot of money some days, but she won't sell that big ass house and move to a smaller place and then calls me to tell me all about her vacations while I just sit here on welfare.

2017-04-06 14:15:57 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I never like bonded with my mom. She was a school teacher and I guess her idea of quality time was getting me to help her grade papers, but my dad was great, he would go fishing with me, go to the game store with me, take me to monster truck ralleys and stuff. I was really angry when he died.

2017-04-06 14:17:27 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

He was great, I knew I could always depend on him. My mom was just .....ugh!

2017-04-06 14:19:17 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I recently found a home video that had my dad on it and I just started crying because I realized I didn't even recognize his voice anymore. So I called my aunt to talk to, I can't even and don't want to talk to my mom about that kind of stuff.

2017-04-06 14:27:25 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I hurt myself, but most of the time it's just because I am really clumsy.

2017-04-06 14:28:29 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Accidentally slashed open the palm of my hand with some scissors, learned the closing the scissors and putting them down before standing up is the safe thing to do.

2017-04-06 14:32:58 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I have autism, but it is not much of a problem as long as I am in a stable environment and have a routine. If shit hits the fan I can turn full lunatic.

2017-04-06 14:35:37 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I was in a bad place where I used to live and one day a newspaper at my door pissed me off so bad I got on my bicycle to go to the newspaper office and yell at them to not put a newspaper at my door, the part I remember most is being so pissed off that I didn't want to go down the block to the crosswalk and ended up forcing my bike through the shrubbery in the median strip, I must have looked totally insane.

2017-04-06 14:37:37 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I can laugh at it now because it was just so over the top, but at the time I was just totally raging.

2017-04-06 14:38:36 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Now I have a friend/helper that lives near enough that he can come any time if I call with a problem.

2017-04-06 14:39:32 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I didn't like my eyebrows so I've gone eyebrowless for a few years now.

2017-04-06 14:42:40 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I UL a pic of what I do with my brow area if I decide to use makeup, but most of the time I just have no eyebrows.

2017-04-06 14:43:58 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I have one of those electric things that is used for ripping the hair out of your legs, I use that for underarms and brows too.

2017-04-06 14:45:02 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

No, it's like small spinning discs that open and close as they spin, kinda like an automated multi-tweezer.

2017-04-06 14:50:21 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

She sounds problematic. XD

2017-04-06 14:52:11 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Give her a 1 way plane ticket to go over there for her birthday.

2017-04-06 14:56:38 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I voted 3rd party even though I knew they wouldn't win just because I didn't like Trump or Hillary.

2017-04-06 14:59:53 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Yeah, Japan probably has way better sex toys for men that would be better to tap than Hillary.

2017-04-06 15:01:39 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I'm most attracted to fictional characters.

2017-04-06 15:02:35 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I'm really attracted to Garrett from the game Thief.

2017-04-06 15:02:59 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Ruvik from The Evil Within is pretty hot too.

2017-04-06 15:04:09 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Corvo from Dishonored is hot when he is wearing the mask.

2017-04-06 15:04:35 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I don't know it.

2017-04-06 15:07:16 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

That link re-directed me to like the main page with a whole bunch of wallpapers, but from the style, I probably wouldn't find hotness in there.

2017-04-06 15:08:43 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I kinda like evil Cole from inFAMOUS as well.

2017-04-06 15:09:02 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  


2017-04-06 15:10:40 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

If I was a guy I'd probably think Nix from inFAMOUS 2 was hot.

2017-04-06 15:12:02 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Johnny Depp's Sweeny Todd is kinda hot.

2017-04-06 15:12:35 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I don't think he is hot, just some of the characters he has played.

2017-04-06 15:13:08 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I like him, I just don't think he is hot when out of character.

2017-04-06 15:14:06 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

As a person, yeah I think he is a cool dude, but that is irrelevant when it comes to my hotness scale.

2017-04-06 15:15:07 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I mean Ruvik is a like a psychopathtic ghost killer or something like that, but he's totally hot.

2017-04-06 15:17:23 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

If I was a guy I'd probably think Elvira, Mistress of the Dark was totally hot.

2017-04-06 15:18:32 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

As a female I see her as good looking but more in a way of I'd like to be like her and not like damn she's hot I'd tap that.

2017-04-06 15:20:22 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Personality doesn't have much effect on if I think someone is hot or not, but it definitely does play a part in if I would actually want to meet them, be with them, or be their friend and stuff.

2017-04-06 15:23:32 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I know I am not capable of being in a healthy relationship with another human for a long period of time so I just hang around by myself thinking game characters are hot.

2017-04-06 15:27:30 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I'm just hoping I'll be lucky enough to find a working PS4 in the trash one day.

2017-04-06 15:28:41 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

A Win 7 laptop that I found in the trash.

2017-04-06 15:37:41 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I have a PS3 because that's what we won at bingo.

2017-04-06 15:39:02 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I just want a PS4 so I can still use the games I have and play some new ones that aren't out for PS3 cuz PS3 is too old.

2017-04-06 15:40:26 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

If I found a working XBOX in the trash I'd probably use it.

2017-04-06 15:41:42 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I think it's probably a little more likely that I'll find a console in the trash than a game worthy PC.

2017-04-06 15:42:51 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I used to PC game way back when I had a job, and space, and built my own PCs.

2017-04-06 15:44:33 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I don't have the money to be a fanboy of stuff. I just make do with what I get.

2017-04-06 15:48:47 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

I remember when the war used to be between Amiga and IBM compat.

2017-04-06 15:50:04 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

My modem was 2400

2017-04-06 15:50:51 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Yeah, I used to make that stuff. I ran a BBS for a few years.

2017-04-06 15:52:03 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

All the cool kids had colored DOS prompts.

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