Larry Skywalker

Discord ID: 406539397257756672

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Thanos ๐Ÿค” please explain

ok Thanos i see what youre saying,

@Hooty "... which is why i'm an anarcho-monarchist"

no shit @Hooty , why do you have that ideology?

oh god, not the Venn diagram

please dont hit me with the Venn again!!


these takes are so bad

i cant even

i'm literally about to throw my entire computer through my window Xenlordo

you are making me do this

Hitler worshipped Stalin, because he longed for the sweet embrace of death?

he was against (((capitalism)))

nice try

dude he wasnt even a Nazbol, he wasnt left wing in any way

`sucking historic deterministic cock`
i'm going to make that my twitter bio

there are actual Nazbols, obvs they dont have political power

god DAMN the takes today...

wew lads!

now THAT is a good question

let's discuss

glow in the dark red eyes

hell yeah

those coins are cucked

ugly af

Xenlordo? more like Edgelordo

am i rite

@Hooty are you from USA?

@Hooty are you from USA , answer me

answer me you cuk

thats a spicy take

damn Xenlordo just rekt everything i hold dear

@Hooty i live in postmodern cultural marxism land, aka (((The West)))

<:troll_king:312064227542040576> ClaASsiCAl LibErAliSm

answer the question Xenlordo

are you USA?

why cant you just own it?

i'm from the USA

how about you?

lmao @buyXRBpls yeah i'm counting on it

he's some fuckin eurocuck who knows nothing about uSA

and he's too embarrassed to say so

ok FINALLY @Hooty lol



HardMan is right

yeah @Cobra Commander its very true

@Hooty did you vote Trump?


i thought it was pretty funny when Rand got rekt by his neighbor ๐Ÿ˜†

he was gettin some with his neighbor wife!

@Deleted User this is problematic place, be warned lol

nice, welcome Sarah

West Coast is best coast

Right Coast is Shite Coast

@George_the_volcano blocked. what a cuck

~~3~~ 4 blocked messages

get muted bro

i wonder if coolcat is a raider

i wonder if i should block coolcat too

oh nice

thats good

is he posting gay pr0n?

there are no fukin rules ๐Ÿ˜ญ

hey nice you can ping mods now

thats new


posting pr0n seems bad, but... i guess its not technically against rules?

its against my rules though

i block instantly for that shit

yeah i thought that just meant swears & stuff, but i guess not

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