
Discord ID: 405909849520734219

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so wtf is up with the Israel thread?

bans... so many bans...

Bans for saying that ethnic cleansing of Jews is not a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

check it out

BO is intent on killing the board

defeating Israel isnt the same thing as ethnic cleansing of its civillian population


๐Ÿ…ฑ DS

not me

no animes allowed

anybody have any specific reason to be up?

or are we all just combatting nihilism?

if its daytime then how come its night?

communism btfo

more like ausFAILia lmao

you're thinking of Rhodesians

yeah but they painted some cool camo patterns on their FALs


but they did have cool FALs

illegal where i live unfortunately, thats why i have an M14

anybody ever see Quest For Fire?

It's got a lot of nasty monkey sex

steyr AUG

we just copied the burgers



i avoid tattoos because i dont want any right wing deathsquads or cops (>implying there's a difference) to identify me

was contemplating joining the army reserves tho

because fascists are doing it

they're getting guns and being shown how to use them

true but you never know

there's no downside to having military skills

Also its just the reserves so they can't sent me to fucking Latvia or anything unless i volunteer

Yeah the regular army is another story. Here if you join the reserves you can't get deployed unless there's an actual war, and you can leave whenever you want.

Pretty sure the US is different though. Doesn't the national guard get deployed sometimes?

Didn't a bunch of them get sent to Iraq?

good shit bruh

What are your tendencies?

I'm basically an ML at this point

Unlike on /leftypol/

Just like the good old days on leftypol

Me too thats why I'm four beers in

I'm actually like 70% okay

30% sad

gay is life

so probably jews

They tend to be right wing


๐Ÿ…ฑ OI

yeah i saw that honest trailer too lmao

Its got tiddies in the commercial tho


I beat my meat to it, thats about it

No claps for me, but plenty of faps for me

ah the gif isnt playing

Embrace the apo/k/alypse

Then I would be out raiding gas town and the bullet farm



I would also purge if that were real

But I'd be like those Black Panther type guys in the second movie and only purge the bourgeoise

๐Ÿ…ฑ ussy

Hey ๐Ÿ…ฑ eter

pretty sure the tsarist autocracy was stopped with guns

So then you're saying that you want a situation where a revolution can only succeed with the help of the military?

Well the fighting was done by soldiers, but the result of that is that the revolution needed the support of the military to succeed.

If the cossacks hadn't switched sides when they refused to fire on the protestors in Petrograd, the revolution would have failed.

Not sure what you mean fam


Boomer memes will be the evidence against mankind in our great trial before the cosmic jury

Obama more like Obongo lmao

why is RS2:VN update fucking 7GB REEEEEE

I want to shoot GIs but instead im stuck w/ you nerds

luckily i have 2/3 of a bottle of rye

it is in murika

lolberts think "government" is an RPG stat

USSR was a government heavy build

it broke the game with hax

USSR was a space travel heavy build lol

right wingers hate freedom


socialism is the only libertarian ideology

libertarianism is a meme, socialism is the only logical conclusion of classical liberal/enlightenment ethics

miss me with that postmodern bullshit boi

communism is also an enlightenment philosophy

can't be any worse than the 3 million children who starve under capitalism annually


when a system fails to feed people then its responsible for their deaths


im not a tankie, i have plenty of criticisms of the USSR

because we are in need of cute asian boipuccy

you have to stay

and lower IQs

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