
Discord ID: 202168009505112064

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w o m a n l y n a t u r e

Men wear skirts

boys wear pants


To be fair kids should be taught about their gender and what makes them them

Telling them they're nothing is just as manipulative as telling them they're something


women gender roles cater to them

where male gender roles encourage a harder working life

physically tougher

not mentally

Is that Strasserism I hear?

National Socialism is a tainted Ideology tbh things could of gone well if it weren't for a certain Austrian

60000 Trillion Goyims

I think some of the Nazi war crimes were exaggerated by the allies, history being written by the victors and all, but I think the holocaust at this point is fundamentally undeniable there's too much evidence and too many Spielberg movies

What do you guys think ๐Ÿค”

Any Civil Service job benefits the collective and any charity, eVeN pRiVaTe ChArItY, is a way to spread the message

Leftism and any collectivist ideology only works if you have someone make the first move in doing things as a collective people are naturally to self interested to do things that benefit more than just them. Hence someone has to agitate and make the first step which subconsciously pushes those around them to follow suit.

PugSlugger is a really big cuck imo

his penis has to be incredibly small to be proportionate to his brain

Thats subjective


You know when he drives by when you see his massive cock hanging out the window of his ford f150


These memes are too strong

they keep coming

President E?


I just imagine swol kylo ren reading E's text

I'm the grandson of the bloody king of scotland and dont have shit

Gold Mining is capitalist bourgeoise career smh

You cant eat gold

turnip farming is the future

Ok I'm cutting the bs Turnips are great and I'm now actually upset

And some circuitry

Rarity has no value its just a prop

Especially when practical value is discarded for luxury

I think currency is meaningless

Just tell people you have tons of gold in fort knox to back their currency and they'll believe it

How you going to get their

the Elon Musk will flee the communist Utopia in favor of South Africa

Elon Musk can be my corporate dictator any day

If you bring in an asteroid full of gold it no longer is rare and loses value

or mine from any other abundant source

I think as long as the state can liquify a certain amount of assets comparable to their currency's value it should be fine


I think the political shit that goes down on mars will set the tone for our galactic conquest

We should pogrom people to mars

I'm not being controlled by the bot

I'd rather be a black shirt then ruled by the machine

xboxes are windows into previously conquered worlds seized by the imperium of man before we became dormant

I'm going to become an ancap space bourgeois

I'm setting up planet wide nike factories on pluto

The moon is really shit and honestly not very suitable for any long endured human operation

Too many meteors

and other space missiles

The soviets put all the ural gold in the moon

There's a massive soviet remnant base on the moon prepping for the second great patriotic war

Its metro 2033 but on the moon

Moontro 2033

The whole Commies and Fascists are the same thing argument makes me wanna die

its for autismo kooks

I appreciate Sargons outlook and commentary on some things but his everyman knowledge only has a limited extent

The moon is made of cheese

I mean gold

Bitcoin is ancap wet dreams come true

It's actually not a totally bad concept

just being a crypto currency makes it fairly gay

Its so unstable

Imagine if someone just pulled the plug

thats probably now millions of real life dollars gone

perhaps billions

Its only good if you want drugs or child porn

and both are for spectres

Tbh the gold standard would limit the possible amount of money and actually directly cause a set threshold of people to be impoverished

Horseshoe theory is a spook


Have you ever seen I Robot @BigBadRed9000

@BigBadRed9000 But I would

It would be the meme of the century

Im going to die here laughing harder than castro when Bush said god was going to kill him

the golden goose

Bring back the golden goose

I feel like everyone on this server is on a spectrum of delusion

Its not though

Its only value is rarity

it has no long term value

and is highly rare

Im sorry

African Warlords do count

Every major nation

except China is switching back


China is actually switching back in an attempt to strong arm the oil trade

Its a power play to boot the dollar out of oil

Because If the currency is on the gold standard it has more liquidity and is hence more valuable to sand nigger warlords

I dont think the gold standard as a whole is the best

but it has its uses

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