
Discord ID: 389254266432520212

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A good bit of societyโ€™s

Killed a lot of people


You complained

Your life goal is fulfilled

Iโ€™m fucking white


The keep society down


Who here is a Christian

Wanna debate it

The concept of religion




People still believe in it

So I want to debate it


There is a shit load

Of fucking evidence

That disables religion

I dislike homosexuality

Like is everyone was gay

We would not be alive as a species

Your god is shit


If your a liberal your autistic

T San

Who gets off on doing that

You know

I, gonna shit on peopleโ€™s believes

If I disagree with them

Because I find them wrong

@Deleted User not good at doing what

Communism does not work

Like ever

Why not

O an equal amount

Fuck Jews

They believe they are the chosen one


Everyone believes they are the chosen ones

He is not edgy for telling the truth

How tf did I white for him

*white night

Because I thought what he said was right

I do


I had a nice debate with relative

Which I lost

But was still fun

And there was no flaming

You win

I donโ€™t give. As hit anymore

*a shit


Iโ€™m not a fucking

You did not even criticize me

You just said

Hey your white nighting

And I admitted it

How the fuck

Is that criticism


If I was a spineless prick

I would not be arguing with you right now



Motherfucker directed shit at me

Are you retarded?

Hold on

I literally just said

I did not give up

Iโ€™m not a big pussy

I can admit defeat

Not to mention I did white night

So your just echoing what you said earlier

But I guess weโ€™re trolls

Even though we disagree

How am I autistic

Iโ€™m not the one

Accusing one of being trolls

I can disagree and still be friendly

You dumb shot


He said something I agreed with

962 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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