๐Ÿ‰ Gator ๐ŸŠ (FeralGator)

Discord ID: 167759380878589953

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my queen of the alligator illuminati. Her name is Illuminator


Tadogo redesign. Old is the colored one. Trying to bring out the tadpole aspect more of this fakemon.


nudibranch dragon fakemon concept + colors


If it means having to cry in voice chat, I will do it. Onision needs to know from someone who has severe mental problems that hearing I've gotten better makes things worse for me

it terrifies me

If anyone knows how to contact Repzion, I would gladly get into a call with him and verbally explain, even if it pulls me to tears, just how horrible Onision's words are

cause I've been told I seem like I'm getting better when I have one day where I'm not upset

and it puts so much weight on me

it puts so much responsibility on me

and often times days after hearing things like that wind up being worse because in my mind, I don't know what it is I did that made me seem like I'm getting better

and I search and search and search

and I when I can't find how I improved... I feel like i've failed

I doubt it would make much difference but if there is even the remotest chance that it may, I'll do it

We should though

the minute we just push it aside and say, "that's just greg being greg," is the minute we allow his abusive ways to be accepted

that his words aren't damaging

that his actions aren't damaging

I know first hand what that's like

my mom is like that

anytime I try to tell her she's hurting me, abusing me, upsetting me, I get yelled at. I get told that she's never once been like that towards me. That she's not to be spoken to in such a way. That she's always only had my best interest at heart and how dare I speak out against her

But then she goes on about how I'm ruining her life. How I make her so mad and so upset

How she always needs to walk on eggshells with me because I could just snap at any time

The minute you let someone control your life, or get away with saying hurtful things, is the minute you convince them that what they are doing is okay

maybe I'm just getting overly emotional or something

I'm gonna just keep quiet honestly... sorry for making things awkward...

I love how you're in this server just to basically do what Onision does with underaged girls

that says a lot about you

rates pictures of underaged minors on how they look

essentially mocking young children based on his views of what perfection is

what you're doing is honestly no better

lol. Also says a lot when you use that as your main point of insult. I've been called far worse, so your sting is nothing more than a leaf blowing in the wind.

a paragraph is actually 4 sentences. What I put is 2

honestly I say we just ignore the 12-year-old

giving this child attention will only drive forward their innability to see right from wrong

@Slothtapus an angry prepubescent has invaded our midsts

lets just let them calm down in their little corner

time in a server doesn't equate to time on this planet my child

anyways, shall we jump into a more appropriate topic?

something where we can just chat and enjoy one another's company?

I am an adult that struggles to live on their own in an economy that doesn't support the ability to do so anymore

8P I have a job

I literally work as a character designer for a cartoon

I work freelance

we'll be getting paid once the kickstarter is over and we begin working on the pilot

does your dad work at nintendo?

what's the company?

because you don't do it

not my fault either that you can't actually give the name of the company to prove what you say

because last I checked

a VP makes more than $1200 a week

again, you are incapable of proving anything. Yet you demand that of others

I have no reason to believe what you say is true

darling, the mannerisms with which you speak show your true age. No respectful adult would attack those around them so vehemently as you do for the sake of personal gain, only to then hide behind some falacy to try and prove themselves

You truly have no comprehension for respect to those around you, and it saddens me how you are also incapable of seeing where you stand in the mindset of others. Especially if you are actually the CP of a company.

Well you're trying to compare yourself to a 12-year-old playing pretend and using mommy's or daddy's job as a way to try and boast

we're not making you do anything

you did this to yourself my child

It honestly surprises me how people like this are allowed in this server

Again I am concerned over how these children are allowed to speak like this

Dani, darling, what would your mother think if she walked in on you right now?

don't you think she'd have raised you better than this?

I honestly feel sorry for the poor woman

having this as her legacy

<@&228756536674091008>s is this really something that is permitted within this server?

this foul language and constant insults, the throwing of comments telling people to kill themselves?

this isn't free speech

this is hate speech

is it also free speech when someone tells another to kill themselves?

it actually isn't

but we'll see how far you get once you turn 18

you're 12 my dear

your parents make $1600 a week

no love, I'm literally telling the truth

I also don't see the art that you say you can draw

I would talk to your parents about that then, Dani. That's not healthy at 12 years old

Dani, I hope that som day you learn respect from your teachers

such language in someone so young is not a good thing

well I do have a pussy

as I am a girl

so you are not wrong

I do not get PTSD from 12 year olds

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